My first magic skill!


Name: Touya Pendragon Kazuya

Age: 2½

Race: Human, [Non-identified]

Magic: [SEALED]

Class: [Non-identifed]

Skill(s): [ERROR!]

Unique Skill(s): [ERROR!]


In a small forest near the castle, Lisa and Touya faced off in the middle of a small clearing the area was wide enough for the two of them to fight.

Lisa has on robes similar to what she was wearing the first they had met. Touya was wearing a blue sleeveless shirt and loose fitting black pants.

"Don't hold back or I am going to break you." Lisa smirks at Touya. She grips the wooden sword and gets into a stance.

Touya rushed at Lisa. She dipped and weaved right as she was about to reach her and slashed downwards with the wood sword. Lisa parried with her own sword and the wood clashed against Touya's arms leaving a bright red mark. The blonde haired girl was quick and uppercut slashed at her mentor, attempting to catch Lisa.

Lisa sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hairs breath from her face.

"Your doing very well. Much better than the kids I used to teach back at the academy." Lisa praised. "You've made a lot of progress within one week than they did in two months!"

"Guess I'm just a better listener than they were right?" Touya smirks making Lisa grin.

"I like you. I think we can move onto the next lesson. Wanna learn how to make a Un-attributed mana sword?" The older woman gives Touya a mischievous grin which Touya immediately copied her expression.

"Where can I learn this power?"

"To learn this skill takes a lot of mana control. But since you've been doing that since way before we've met this'll be pretty easy for you." Lisa says.

"Can do a demonstration?" Touya questioned. "I'm more of a visual learner than anything. Hearing those long and complex stuff isn't really my style."

"Your officially my favorite alright."

Lisa holds out her right hand and a faint blue light shined at her fingertips.

"Try and concentrate your mana in the palm of your hand. Then think about what weapon you want to create and...." A blue transparent claymore materialized in Lisa's hand.

"Presto! I've tried to teach this to a couple of my old students but... I guess the way I did it didn't work for them." The woman explains.

"Maybe I can be the exception then." Touya holds her hand out and concentrates all of her mana in her hand. A purple translucent one handed broad sword my materialized.


A transparent purple window pops up with a notification.

(*You have unlocked the skills [Mana Creation], [Non-attributed Magic], [Mana Swords] and [Fall Sword]*)

—Touya's POV—

Wait I have a system!?!

What kind of BS is this? I wonder if I...


A purple translucent window pops us with my stats.


Name: Touya Pendragon Kazuya

Age: 2½

Race: Human, [Non-identified]

Magic: [Non-attributed Magic]

Class: [Non-identifed]

Skill(s): [Mana Creation], [Mana Swords]

Unique Skill(s): [Fall Sword]

Titles: Child Prodigy, Novice swordsman, Princess charming


'I won't lie, Non-attributed magic seems badass. But what's up with the titles??'

I close the window and look at Lisa who seems to be gathering our things.

"Finally done checking your status? Took you long enough." She says.

"How did you—"

"I have the [Appraisal] Skill. Now we have one more thing to do before I take you back to the castle."

"Hm? Is it more training? I wanna test out my new skills!" I say.

"No, I was thinking we could hit the hotsprings and eat. What do ya' say kid?" Once she said something about food my stomach decided to speak for me.

"Food and a bath sounds really nice right now." I say and blushed when Lisa had let out a small chuckle.

"Alright then! I know a guy who can make a mean Unagi."



Name: Touya Pendragon Kazuya

Age: 2½

Race: Human, [Non-identified]

Magic: [Non-attributed Magic]

Class: [Non-identifed]

Skill(s): [Mana Creation], [Mana Swords]

Unique Skill(s): [Fall Sword]

Titles: Child Prodigy, Novice swordsman, Princess charming