Grandparents (II)


Name: Touya Pendragon Kazuya

Age: 2½

Race: Human, [Non-identified]

Magic: [Non-attributed Magic]

Class: [Non-identifed]

Skill(s): Mana Creation(Tier 1),

Mana Swords(Tier 1)

Unique Skill(s): Fall Sword(Tier 1)

Titles: Child Prodigy, Novice swordsman, Princess charming




The 'old' lady had hit me ontop of my head.

"WHY YOU LITTLE—" The man next to her bursted out laughing.

"You must be Touya!" He says with a big smile. "It seems you've gotten your grandmother's attitude!"

"H-huh?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Touya, these are my parents. Emporer Michael and Empress Fuyumi Pendragon. They are your grandparents." Mother explained.

"Oh! My bad!" I said, I cleared my throat and politely bowed.

"My apologies grandmother and grandfather." I apologized.

"Haha! There's no need to! I was just pulling your leg earlier!" Grandmother smiles. She picks me up and hold me to her chest. "Your just the cutest thing I've ever seen!! You look just like your mother, so beautiful and handsome!" A small blush formed on my face at the praise I was getting.

"Raya, since your father and I will be staying for a couple of days, you don't mind if I spend sometime with the girls do you?" Grandmother asks completely ignoring my father like he wasn't even here.

"That's perfectly fine mother! This gives you and father some quality time with Touya and Hilda." Mother says happily.

"Actually—" Father starts to speak but was quickly ignored by my grandparents.

"Raya, how about you give me a tour of the castle. It's been awhile since I've been here." Grandfather says.

"Of course father! Right this way." Mother then takes Isabellas hand and led her father out of the throne room. Hilda poked her tiny head over mother's shoulders and looks at me till they disappeared.

"Alright then, that just leaves you and me Touya!" Grandmother hoists me on her shoulders. "Let's get out of here aye? I bet you don't get out of the castle a lot huh?"

"I only get to go off of castle grounds whenever I go on quests with my teacher. But we mostly train near the castle gardens." I explain as we walk through the front gates leaving the castle.

"Guess we should make the most of it while I'm here then! Let's head to the nearest bar first. I've got an old friend of mine that owes me a couple of favors." Grandmother laughs

"I'm only two in a half. You sure they'll let me in and drink?" I asked.

"HA! I started drinking when I was only six months old! You'll be fine, we have dragon blood running through our veins."

Dragon blood? I didn't know that, is my sister Isabella aware of this? How come mother never brought this up? Oh well, I'll ask later.

After a while we finally found a tavern that was owned by an old friend of my grandmother.

As we enter we got a few stares but it all stopped once everyone recognized who we are.

"Orion!" Grandmother yells, she sets me down and waves at someone.

"Hm? Fuyumi, is that really you?" A buff man with short brown hair and grey eyes. He has a scar on the left side of his face that looks like it was from a sword of some kind.

"Orion, long time no see! How's it going?" My grandmother says.

"Quite well actually." The man Orion then looks at me. "Who's the kid? Isn't she the second princess?"

"Ah, this is my granddaughter Touya. She's Raya's girl." Grandmother explains.

"Yo," I waved.

"What's up with a white streaks in her hair?"

"Hm? What white streaks?" Grandmother asks.

Orion ducks behind the counter and holds a mirror in front of me.

It was true, in my long golden hair I had patches of white.

"Huh, how did I not notice that before?" Grandmother says.

"It's probably nothing to worry about." I said.

"Anyways, what can I do for the two of you? If you want some alcohol then you'll just have to wait. Our shipment of wine got high jacked earlier today." Orion says.

"Hm, by who? Have you contacted the knights?" Grandmother asked.

"The caravan that was bringing it here was attacked by a large group of goblins not too long ago. The mercenaries were all killed, they too some of the woman that were there aswell. *sigh* The knights say they are investigating but I doubt that."

"I guess I'll go check it out then. Come on Touya, this'll be a great learning experience for you!" Grandmother says and I nod.


Name: Touya Pendragon Kazuya

Age: 2½

Race: Human, [Non-identified]

Magic: [Non-attributed Magic]

Class: [Non-identifed]

Skill(s): Mana Creation(Tier 1), Mana Swords(Tier 1)

Unique Skill(s): Fall Sword(Tier 1)

Titles: Child Prodigy, Novice swordsman, Princess charming