love betrayed

Part 7.

Tonight I have a hard time sleeping, because Brother Roy keeps throwing up. He paced to the bathroom, I was so disturbed. Mama heard this noise or not, I don't know. To be sure, my heart is sad, seeing this situation.

If Papa is still around, surely Brother Roy's behavior cannot be controlled. I open social media to entertain myself. Being friends with the office's social media, for me to be able to know the daily activities that we do.

Mr. Calvin is very aggressive in promoting all the properties in the office. Starting from apartments, shop houses and buildings in the form of storage warehouses. I'm studying the work system at his company.

If you succeed in selling an apartment or shophouse unit, the employee is given a fee or bonus outside of salary. I've been working for this company for almost two months. Still have to learn more with Mis Caterine. Because holding the cellphone continuously, the eyes began to get sleepy. Finally I fell asleep.

The next day, since dawn, Mama hasn't come out of the room. Usually he is in the kitchen when I wake up. I called Mama while knocking on the door his room.

Tock ... tock...

"Maaah... you're awake, huh?" no answer from within.

Kreeek... even the door to Brother Roy's room is open. He wondered why Mama was still in the room.

"What's wrong Clara?"

"Mama was called but there was no answer from inside the room!" I said worriedly.

"Try calling again!" said Brother Roy.

"Mah...!" because there is no answer either, I

opened the door handle, it was not locked.

"Mom... why?" I saw Mama's body behind me.

I touched his back and hands, they were warm. No wonder the call did not answer, in fact Mama was sick. Slowly he opened his eyes.

"Clara... if you want breakfast, you just buy it at the shop, okay! Mama's not feeling well," he said slowly.

"Yeah, Mah, don't think too much! Mama just take a break, don't open a shop yet!" remember me.

Brother Roy also went into the room and saw

Mama's condition, she immediately felt guilty and apologized.

"I'm sorry Roy, it's been troubling Mama's mind.

"You better fix yourself, if your life is still a mess, don't call me Mama again!" said Mama emotionally.

"Patience, Mah, it's still early!" I persuaded.

It turned out that Mama heard the noise last night, which was caused by the sound of Sis Roy's vomiting. Which parent is not shocked to see their child's behavior? I just cried in my heart seeing this situation.

"Tonight, after Cla's work, we'll go to the doctor, Mah!" I promise.

"Yeah," Mom said quietly.

I also went to the shop to buy breakfast and buy side dishes to eat Mama. Because today Mama is not cooking, so I have added a side dish for her lunch.

As for Brother Roy, let him take care of himself. I'm fed up with his behavior. Mama often gets sick thinking about her.


After saying goodbye, I went to work by riding my favorite automatic motorbike. My motorbike was doing it at medium speed. Along the way, I kept thinking about Mama's condition.

I've only been working for two months, I haven't been given permission yet, let alone to be absent, I can be fired later. Moreover, today there is a meeting schedule with clients who want to join the property business, said Mis Caterine.

Half an hour later, I arrived in front of the three-story white building. I immediately store the motorbike in the parking lot on the right, while the car is on the left. As soon as she got off the motorbike, Mis Caterine also just arrived with her boyfriend, Mr. Rendy.

Actually the office rules are not enforced

allowed to work if the employees are a husband and wife. But since they're still dating, that's fine. That's the rules I know from this company. "Hey, Cla, good morning..." said Miss Caterine and Mr. Randy.

"Good morning everyone," I replied.

"A bit lethargic, Cla?" ask Mis. Caterine

"It's okay Miss, stay up late," I said.

"Is there a problem?"

"Mama is sick, Miss. Plan later I will take him to the doctor in the afternoon!" I explained.

"Oh-yes? I'm sorry, okay! I hope your Mama gets well soon. Take her to the doctor when the work is done."

"Thank you, Miss."

We walked together to the second floor, using the elevator. Meanwhile, Mr. Rendi had already reached the top floor. He didn't want to hang out with us.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, the handsome CEO was already standing inside. I lowered my head and greeted him.

"Good morning, Mr. Calvin," I said.

"Morning Cla," he said quietly.

Miss. Caterine looked at me with a meaningful smile. Hm, I feel awkward being noticed by people in the elevator. In the end, if the CEO doesn't greet him, he will also be punished when he arrives in the upper room. It's all wrong to be a new employee.

Today's workday has been deliberately sped up, because I've already asked for permission from Miss Caterine to take Mama to the hospital. Alhamdulillah, my work partner is understanding and caring, he understands very well that I only live with a Mama without Papa anymore.

I came home an hour earlier than usual. Now I'm in the elevator to the ground floor. My mind was torn between thinking about Mama's health and college matters. I should have entered the campus today, to meet the supervisor.

However, the schedule of doctors who practice in the afternoon coincides with the time to enter campus. So I chose to take care of Mama and didn't go to college today. When I got to the parking lot someone called me.

"Clara, wait!" said the voice. I turned to the source of the voice.

As soon as I looked back, oh my God, my chest rumbled. Just imagine that Riki was standing behind me with a neat appearance like an office worker. His style is exactly like a handsome CEO in the office until I look up to see him.

To be continued ....