The hospital

Part 9.

Now that Misel's words have been proven, Riki is super reckless. Yesterday he met me in the campus parking lot. His words always apologize in a forceful way.

And now he has dared to come to the office, with the same behavior and speech. The word sorry, became his weapon to persuade me to be his lover again.

Instead of sympathy and forgiveness, I grew sick of his behavior. The love and affection has faded from my heart. Replaced with anger and hatred for his treatment of me.

I'm grateful that I haven't had the chance to introduce myself to Mama, I want to test her loyalty. But everything changed when he turned to another heart. Because of his reputation as a playboy, I was prepared when that happened. Anger and disappointment mixed in this heart.

It's Riki going out with a college playboy. In the end, the victim of feelings too, I said in my heart.

"He's not a good guy for you, Cla! There are many guys in this college you can date besides him!" said Misel.

"What the hell, I really want to find a mate!" I protested to Misel.

"Haa-haa, how do you know you want to test your patience again after this incident," Misel teased while sticking out her tongue.

"I want to focus on working and finishing my thesis first, then think about something else," I said firmly.

"Well, that's it, cheers!" Misel shouted.

"Hm, just like a hero, screaming like that," I replied.

"I'm the success team for you, Cla!"

"I really want to campaign," I said.

"Haa-haa, kidding loo," he said laughing.

"Then how is your relationship with the Angga?" I asked.

"Just wait for our invitation!" he answered.

"Aihh, you guys want to get married, huh?" I asked excitedly.

"No, kidding! We still want to enjoy our youth while earning a lot of money!" Misel replied while holding up two thumbs up.

I was so entertained by Misel's jokes. Disappointment slowly disappeared, replaced with enthusiasm to continue life which had been chaotic because of Riki's actions.


I did not feel my motorbike had arrived in front of the fence. I didn't honk, because the gate wasn't locked. In the garage there is also Papa's car which is usually used by Kak Roy. That means he's at home, probably looking after Mama.

"Assalamu'alaikum," I said.

"Wa'alaikumsalam," said a voice from inside. It was Bro Roy's voice, he came out of the room with a sullen face.

"How dare you, Cla! Buy food only for Mom! There's nothing for brother!" he protested.

"Sorry, I forget, was in a rush!" I replied curtly and went into Mama's room.

"Claraaa... you just got home, huh?!

"Yes, Mah. Come on, get ready to let Clara take you to the hospital!" I asked.

Mama wears a headscarf and rub with light powder on her cheeks. The lines on his face were starting to show. Since Papa's gone, Mama prefers to lock herself in her room. I always came to the room to cheer him up. My heart is not fine right now.

I did all that so that Mama would not feel alone and lonely. If at night I'm more choose to sleep with Mama. Last night because I wanted to be alone, I did not come to his room. It turned out that Mom's condition was not healthy.

"Come on, let's go!" Mama said while touching my shoulder.

"Yes, Ma!" I said as I took his hand.

"Mah, just let Roy drive!" he asked, asking for the car keys.

Means Mama asks for and keeps the car keys. No wonder Bro Roy stays at home, he must have no money either, I thought. This time Mama was very firm with Brother Roy, Mama asked for all the car keys and shop keys.

Brother Roy took the car out of the garage, Mama and I waited outside the fence. After closing and locking the fence, we went to the hospital.

Brother Roy drove the car at medium speed. If you don't open a shop, Sis Roy can't go anywhere, because you don't have money to hang out. The punishment was still too light for a grown man like him.

Half an hour later, the car had pulled into the parking lot of the four-story hospital. Mom and I got out of the car right away. We went to the admin section to register Mama's name.

"Good Afternoon, Mom! I would like to register The patient's name is Mrs. Mitha," I said politely. "May I have his ID card and health card!" said the mother who was wearing this black blazer.

"Here, Mom!" I said while handing over the requested data.

Meanwhile, Brother Roy was sitting in the waiting room playing with his cellphone. He seems like an uninspired person, it must be because he doesn't have money. Let me know the feeling of being punished by Mama. He has been very patient with his son's behavior.


After waiting fifteen minutes, Mama's name was called by the nurse.

"Mitha's mother, please come in!" he said.

"Yes, Sister," answered Mama. I followed behind, into the examination room.

"Good Afternoon Mother, is there anything I can help you with?" asked the handsome Doctor in front of me.

"Afternoon too Doctor," answered Mama.

"Excuse me, this is Doctor Steven, right?" Mom asked.

"Yes, Mom. Sorry, who are you with, eh?" Doctor Steven frowned.

"I'm Mrs. Mitha Gunawan, who owns a shop in the market center!" Mama explained.

"Oh, Mr. Gunawan's late wife, huh?"

"That's right, Doctor," said Mama.

"And this is my daughter, her name is Clara!"

"Wow, this is Clara from high school, right? She's prettier now, isn't she!" Doctor Steven just realized that I was an adult and beautiful.

"Hm, thanks, Doctor," I said.

"I want to check Mama's health. Because starting this morning, her body is weak and her head feels dizzy!" I explained.

"All right, please, Mother, lie down on the gurney! Let me check her blood pressure and heart rate!" Doctor Steven ordered.

Mama is already lying down, Doctor Steven uses a stethoscope to hear the heartbeat and stomach. Then check blood pressure. And finally the thermometer is tucked under the arm. Because Mama's body has been warm since this morning.

After undergoing a series of examinations, it was found that his blood pressure was rising. There is a lot of wind in the hull. All of this is caused by a lot of thoughts and eat late. That's the doctor's diagnosis.

To be continued ....