
Part 14.

"Assalamu'alaikum, Mah," I greeted.

"Wa'alaikumsalam, Clara," answered Mama.

"What's the matter, Mah? Looks really serious?"

"Clara, your Brother was in an accident! Now he is at the General Hospital, where Dr. Steven's practice is!" Mama explained in a nervous voice.

"Loh, Mama brought the car right?"

"Yes, that's right! But Roy was picked up by his friend in a car!" Mom said.

"Okay, then Clara will try to get home from work early! Hopefully I will be given permission," I said.

"How is Brother Roy now, Mah?" I asked worriedly.

"His body is full of wounds, he is still unconscious!" Mom explained.

"Mama calm down, okay! We pray that Brother Roy wake up from his stupor!"

"Amiin, wait until Clara comes, okay, Mah!" I said soothingly.


I returned to the admin room carrying a plastic bag containing two sets of new uniforms. Miss Caterine smiled while teasing me.

"Ciee, who is wearing a new uniform tomorrow," she teased.

"Alhamdulillah, this is the fortune of a pious child, Miss," I said.

"Yes, that's right," Miss Caterine held up two thumbs up.

Oh-yes, almost forget, I told the news from Mama earlier to Miss Caterine. He is also concerned about the misfortune that befell Brother Roy. She must first report to the CEO's boss if I I'll be able to go home early.

Because yesterday Miss Caterine was reprimanded by Mr. Calvin, when I came home early because I took Mama to the hospital. You have to report first, but Mis Caterine doesn't do that.

Actually, the boss couldn't have known, if there wasn't an incident in the parking lot yesterday. Ahh, reminds me of that annoying guy. Not long after, Miss Caterine called the CEO's boss, to let him know and ask permission so I could go home early.

Mr. Calvin said, if I have to meet him now, go to his room. Duhh, there's just this boss CEO's request.

"So basically I'm allowed to go home early, right, Miss?" I asked hopefully.

"You can, but you have to meet Mr. Calvin first, okay?" he ordered.

Reluctantly, I nodded my head. As usual, sweat started to wet the shirt I was wearing. Seeing this situation, Miss Caterine calm me down.

"Don't worry, Clara, Mr. Calvin is not fierce," he said.

After clearing my desk, I immediately said goodbye to Miss Caterine. My goal now is to go to the third floor. I pray in my heart that I will not be nervous dealing with the CEO boss. Once inside the elevator, this heart is getting more and more restless. Even though the CEO's boss is normal, am I overreacting to his attitude?

The elevator door opened, I had reached the third floor. With a prayer in my heart, I steadily walked towards the boss CEO's office.

Tokk ... tokk ...

"Come in!" a voice came from inside.

"Good evening, sir," I said politely.

"Sit down please! What's wrong?" he said curtly.

"I beg your permission, go home early, sir! Because my Brothee had an accident, only Mama herself was waiting at the hospital," I explained.

The handsome man in front of me frowned. He looked at my face for a moment, then asked about my parents. He did not know that Mama was a single parent and for that he apologized.

For the first time, I can stare longer at this handsome CEO's face. There was a subtle swish as our eyes met each other's. I quickly looked away, afraid of feeling disrespectful. Because he is a boss in the office.

After being allowed to go home early, I immediately said goodbye to him. His stiff demeanor made me even more curious. The desire to immediately conquer his heart.


When I was in the parking lot for two-wheeled vehicles, it turned out that the security guard had signaled me. He greeted me jokingly.

"Hey, you were the one who was waiting for that jerk yesterday, right?"

"Hmm, yes, sir!" I said.

"Where's that guy, he's been thrown into the sea, ya?" asked the fat security guard, laughing.

"Haa-haa, I've drowned, sir!" I answered his joke.

"That's good, Miss! Guys like that don't need to be defended," he said, holding up two thumbs up.

"Excuse me, sir!" I said while driving motorcycle.

"Be careful on the road, Mis!" the message.

I nodded my head while honking the horn.

Meanwhile a pair of eyes from the third floor continued to watch Clara. He rubbed his face harshly. As if to help but hindered by his high egotistical nature.

Lately, he was always thinking about the girl in the black and white uniform. I don't know why every time I'm in the office, my concentration is divided when I see it. But he often dismisses the feeling, he doesn't dare to be honest with himself.

His words almost offended the girl. Why do you always ask for permission to go home early when you have family matters? It turned out that the answer was very sad, his parents were single parents and it made the handsome CEO feel guilty about his question.

But the girl quickly forgave him. The important thing is to get permission to go home early. As soon as he exited the boardroom, a pair of eyes waited through the window, until the girl descended into the parking lot.

A young girl her age has to carry the burden of the family, in order to make her mother happy, the handsome CEO is increasingly curious about the girl. Start by finding out about his family and life.

Yesterday he gave good news to the girl. The training period is accelerated to only two months. Furthermore, office uniforms are given for free without being deducted from salary like other employees. Starting tomorrow, the girl has become a permanent employee in the office of the handsome CEO.

And now through his personal assistant, that CEO ordered to follow the girl to the hospital. He wanted to know the extent of the misfortune that befell his brother.

I've arrived in front of the Hospital where Dr. Steven practices. I called Mama to make sure that Brother Roy's place was being cared for. He is still in the ICU, unconscious. After parking the motorbike, I looked for the room that Mama called earlier.

"Suster ... which side of the ICU room, ya?"

"Oh-please, Miss, go straight ahead, then turn left, will you," the beautiful Suster explained to me.

"Thanks, yes, Sust," I headed the way he pointed.

To be continued ....