Roy wake up from coma

Part 16.

I suggested that at night, Mama should rest at home, because her health was starting to decline and Mama agreed. Before going home, I went to see Doctor Steven, to ask about Brother Roy's condition.

"Alhamdulillah, in the near future, hopefully his consciousness will recover soon. Because the wounds on the back of the head are starting to dry. Likewise with the wounds on his body!" explained Dr. Steven.

I felt like cheering in my heart to hear this good news. Let me get home I tell Mama. The important thing is that my Brother's health is getting better. Later, after realizing that he was asked slowly, who was the person who persecuted him. Let us be held accountable.

"Then excuse me, yes, Doctor!"

"Be careful on the road, Clara," the doctor ordered, showing a sweet smile.

Mama was waiting near the ICU room. He did not want to come in, afraid to hear bad news about his son. As soon as I came out of the practice room, Mama followed with a worried look on my face.


"How is your sister, Clara? Is there progress?" Mom asked curiously.

"Alhamdulillah, there has been a change. When you get to Clara's house, explain again, Ma! Let's go home, it looks like the sky is about to rain!" take me.

Mama took my hand, she also looked tired from waiting all day at the hospital. Since Brother Roy was being treated, I used Papa's car. It's more convenient to pick up Mama from the hospital.

Ever since I took the car to work, all my friends have been whispering. They thought this car was bought from the results of working in the office. Even though this is Papa's legacy car. Once I explain like that, then they understand.

I'm a sugar baby, I've only been working for three months and have managed to buy a car, that's what I said to Mis Caterine. She responded to my joke with a meaningful smile.

If my friends at college, it's normal to see me driving a car. My late Papa used to take me to campus when I went to college in the morning, so they weren't surprised.

Outside it started to rain, luckily we were already in the car. Mama repeatedly yawned from sleepiness. He started to close his eyes. To relieve boredom, I turn on the music from the car CD. The night streets began to look deserted. I drive the car at a moderate speed.

At times like this it feels like I really want to enjoy a vacation with the people I love. But lovers don't have one yet. There are only Mama and Brother Roy, my only family.

Didn't feel the car I was driving had arrived in front of the fence, Mama woke up and said.

"We've arrived, haven't we?" Mom asked while rubbed his eyes.

"That's it, Mom! Don't come down, let Clara unlock the fence!" remember me.

"Yes, this is the key!" Mama said.

After putting the car into the garage, I made sure all the doors and windows were locked properly. Then I went into the bathroom to clean myself.

Tonight, I'm are and Mama a little calmer to hear the good news from Doctor Steven Although I don't know when Brother Roy will soon wake up from his coma. The important thing is that there has been progress for his health.


The next day, as usual I woke up earlier than Mama. After praying I went straight to the kitchen to cook breakfast. And more for lunch at the office. When Mama woke up, breakfast was already served on the dining table. She smiled when I offered to have breakfast.

Derrtt... derrtt...

My cellphone vibrates on the dining table, I glance at the round object on the living room wall, it's still six in the morning. Who's calling my phone so early, I thought.

["Assalamualaikum,"] came a voice from

across the phone.

["Wa'alaikumsalam,"] I answered.

["This is with brother Roy's family?"]

["Yes, that's right! I'm Clara, my family Roy's!"]

["This is from the hospital, I'm Doctor Calvin!"]

Hearing the word "hospital," my heart immediately became worried, afraid that something bad would happen to my brother.

["Oh-yeah, what's wrong Doctor? Why are you calling so early?"]

["Alhamdulillah, your brother, Roy just woke up from his coma!"] he explained.

["Oh-yes? Finally, our prayers have been heard by Allah!"] I stifled a scream.

["Immediately tell your Mama, yes! So that his heart and mind will immediately calm down!"] he remembered me.

"All right! Thanks for the information Doctor!" After saying hello, I ended the conversation on the phone.

Mama just came out of the bathroom, she immediately asked. "Claraa... who's calling so early?"

I told this happy news, Mama immediately burst into tears. He couldn't wait to go to the hospital to see Brother Roy.


As soon as we got to the hospital, Mama and I went straight to the ICU. It looks like Brother Roy is drinking with the help of a Sister, whom I met yesterday.

"Good morning, Suster," I greeted.

"Good morning, who are you looking for Sis?" Suster asked. "I, the family of Brother Roy!" I answered.

"Oh-sorry, please come in, Sis!" she said.

Mama followed behind me, she immediately hugged Brother Roy's body which was still wrapped in bandages.

"Sorry Roy, Mah!" he said while stammered.

"Don't talk too much yet, Roy! Mama is so happy, you're awake from the coma!"

"Yes-Mah." said Brother Roy while glancing at me. It seemed like he wanted to say something to me.

However, there was Mama among us, so Brother Roy's intention could not be carried out immediately. Not long after, Doctor Steven came to the ICU. He was on picket, on guard duty since last night until this morning. So you know Brother Roy's progress, and he brings a paper containing a prescription for medicine.

"Claraa, here's a prescription for medicine that you should buy! But the supply at the hospital is empty, you can buy it at the nearest pharmacy!" said Doctor Steven.

"Is this medicine expensive, Doctor?" I asked as I read the writing on the paper.

"Hm, the price is pretty good. Use the medicine so that the wounds all over your brother's body dry up quickly and recover," he explained.

To be continued ....