A confession

Part 18.

Miss Caterine came with me, she finally took the time to visit my Brother. Before going to the hospital, we stopped by the pharmacy first. I took out a piece of paper with the name of the medicine written by Doctor Calvin.

Before long the pharmacist showed me some medicine. As written on the recipe paper. Seeing the number of drugs must be expensive, especially prescriptions from doctors who practice in hospitals.

Sweat started to soak my uniform. Maybe the money I brought was not enough to pay for this medicine. I glanced at Miss Caterine who was cool to hold her cellphone in the waiting room. Still with my thoughts racing, suddenly a voice startled me.

"How much did all the drugs cost, Miss Clara, sir?" asked the voice.

I looked back, since when Mr. Rendy was here. Meanwhile, Miss Caterine did not see him come in here.

"Oh, Mr. Rendy, you want to buy medicine too?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, Clara! I happen to want to buy medicine

and vitamins for my mother!" he explained.

The pharmacist gave a small piece of paper into Mr. Rendy's hand, then he took out some red banknotes and then paid the price of the medicine. Red then pays the price of the drug at the pharmacy.

"Hey, what are you doing here, why don't you let me know if you're going to the pharmacy too?" ask Miss Caterine to her lover.

"Earlier there was an assignment outside that had to be completed. When I arrived at the office, I looked into your room, there was no one there!" he explained.

"Why didn't you call me?" protested Miss Caterine.

"See that, your cellphone has a busy network

keep going!" said Mr. Randy.

"Oh-yes, thank you very much, sir! Paid for this prescription!" I said to mediate their debate.

"You're welcome, Clara," he said.


After paying for the prescription drugs bought for his mother. Mr. Rendy also came with us to the hospital. So our cars go hand in hand like people about to convoy. Even though Mis Caterine and Mr. Rendy are lovers, they can put themselves between love and work.

There are also many friends in the office who don't know that they are dating, including me. Because they come to the office with their own vehicles, like now.

The CEO's boss had warned the two of them when they were caught dating. Asked to choose between one of them, he had to resign from his office. However, they can reassure the CEO's boss that they don't take personal matters into the office.

What is clear is that Mr. Rendy and Miss Caterine are indeed hard workers. So rarely have time to be alone. That's why until now they are still safe in a loving relationship.

My thoughts were interrupted when the car entered the hospital grounds. This afternoon seemed crowded, because it was time to visit patients. After parking the car, the three of us walked together to the treatment room where Brother Roy was.

"Assalamu'alaikum," I said when I reached the door of the economy class room.

"Wa'alaikumsalam," said Mama who was sitting next to the iron bed.

"Hey, Clara! You're home, kid! So buy the medicine the doctor wrote down this morning?"

"There's this, Mah!" I said while showing the white plastic containing the medicine in question.

"Alhamdulillah, Mama thought you forgot! Roy was complaining of a headache!"

"Oh-yeah, this is Clara's office mate, Mah!"

"This is Mr. Rendy and Miss Caterine!" I said. They shook hands and introduced themselves to Mama.

"Wow, nice to meet you guys," said Mama.

After introducing ourselves, we went out and

sitting on a chair in the waiting room. Sis Roy is resting, he fell asleep after being injected by Doctor Calvin.

"If I may know, what is the cause of Brother Roy's accident like this, Mom?" asked Mr. Calvin.

"Roy was abused by paid thugs when he was in the car after being picked up by a friend yesterday. Their car was blocked by an unknown person. Two motorbikes had followed their car since Roy left the house," explained Mama at length.

"So where is the friend who picked him up now, Mom?" asked Mr. Calvin.

"I don't know! Since taking Calvin to the hospital, his friend has disappeared. Never come here again," Mama said.

"It means that Brother Roy has a problem outside. There are people who don't like him, so they have hired thugs to harm him," said Mr. Rendy.

"I guess so," Mom said quietly.

"So it's like this, Mom, if Brother Roy's health has improved, try asking him what the problem is outside. Who knows I can help him," suggested Mr. Rendy.

"Thank you, Randy," said Mama.

Three days later, Brother Roy was allowed to go home. With a note once a week have to check-up to the hospital to determine the condition of the wound on his head. This did not immediately make me and Mama calm. Because all this time Brother Roy has had a big problem out there.

Not only did he have a lot of debt due to losing gambling, but Brother Roy had impregnated a girl who was his own lover. According to him, the person who harmed him must have been an order from his lover's family.

Because the last time Brother Roy came home drunk, he just met his family her lover.

Her parents were furious when they found out that their daughter was pregnant out of wedlock. Brother Roy wants to take responsibility, but his girlfriend's older brother doesn't agree.

It turns out that the older brother of his lover is friends with Brother Roy, and knows his bad nature, who likes to drink and gamble. Hm, things get complicated because the two don't want to make peace.

Hearing all of Brother Roy's stories, Mama immediately fell limp. This is no small matter, because it concerns the family's pride on the part of the woman.

"Brother ... later after recovering, just get married, don't delay!" remember me.

"What do you think?" I asked for his opinion.

"Mama agrees with your plan, Clara!"

"The three of us came to the woman's family home, to show goodwill. We'll talk everything over and hear what they have to say," Mama advised.

To be continued ....