Together with CEO

Part 25.

I explained to Miss Caterine, the agreement that the fierce CEO asked for. He immediately laughed. Makes me wonder and ask.

"Why are you laughing? Is there anything funny?" I asked annoyed.

"I've explained from the start that the CEO likes you. But he's embarrassed to show that feeling," answered Mis Caterine.

"Our social status is different! Isn't he shy about dealing with his employees?" I asked doubtfully.

"You already know the answer, you don't need me explain again!" said Miss Caterine while smile.

"Oh-yeah, we're getting ready! Soon the meeting will start," remembered Miss Caterine.

I arranged the file on the table that was signed last night. Then save it in the blue folder. The identification card is tied around the neck. We went out to the elevator, our goal now is to the third floor of the meeting room.

Arriving on the third floor, we met Mr. Surya, the director commissioner and also Mr. Calvin, the property manager. I greeted them first.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mr. Calvin," I said, bowing my head.

"Good morning, Clara," said Mr. Surya.

As usual, the fierce CEO only glanced over and then walked behind his parents. We invite them to enter first. Soon the client or guest who was waiting for had arrived. The meeting started immediately.


Throughout the meeting, I listened to all the working systems of this company. I think this company is growing fast. Nothing wrong with me choosing to work here. The increase in his career was quite fast or just because of luck.

From the results of discussions with clients, the company provides a royalty of fifteen percent for shareholders. Property investment is not impossible for those with mediocre salaries.

Anyone can have the opportunity to invest in property without capital or small capital. The key is to learn to understand the ins and outs of property investment and the right buying and selling strategy, so you don't make mistakes that make the company lose money.

I even dreamed that, if one day I had a lot of money, I wanted to invest in a house. This is a promising opportunity, I rented the house to someone else. Each years can take advantage of the house. My daydream was shattered when the big master, sir Surya asked for my opinion.

"Miss Caterine and I have agreed to increase our promotion through social media. Sir," I said.

"Yes, sir, we can take advantage of digital platforms such as social media and websites." explained Miss Caterine.

"This online promotion will be more expand the network. We need to enter clear information and accompanied by photos of the property offered to make it easier consumers," I said firmly.

"Okay, I agree with your opinion. Continue to increase promotion through social media!"

"Because the hearing is over, I will close today's meeting," said Mr. Surya while greeting.

Everyone present in the meeting room replied to the Master's words, then left the room in an orderly manner. Miss Caterine and I breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, dealing with the Commissioners, Directors and Marketing Directors always makes us nervous.

I'm afraid it's wrong to speak in front of them. But our fear is not proven. In fact, the Commissioners and Directors often ask for opinions or suggestions from me or Mis Caterine.


After the meeting, I felt very relieved, because Mr. Surya, the Commissioner of the Board of Directors, is not as good as I imagined, even his son is like that. His attitude is too cold and indifferent to female employees

According to Miss Caterine's story, why the CEO's boss prefers female employees because they work more neatly and are full of responsibility. Later proved to be rare corruption, the story of Miss Caterine.

I crossed paths at the elevator doors with the grumpy CEO. Coincidentally, the other employees had all come out of the elevator. Just me and the CEO walking hand in hand. Meanwhile, Miss Caterine had already left.

"Claraaa ... remember our agreement, lest anyone know our status!" he whispered in my ear.

"What's the problem with status. We really don't have any relationship!" I said, keeping track of his steps.

Hearing my answer, the fierce CEO fell silent. His face turned sullen, is he offended by my words? Ahh, let it be, after all, why are there rules like that?

The CEO's demeanor turns cold when he's in the office. On the outside, he can act normal. Good at acting, as if the two of us were lovers.

"Oh-yeah, in two days there will be an invitation from yesterday's event, which is a fan meeting event. Continued traveling with my partner, to tourist attractions as a bonus for my victory."

I immediately conveyed the agenda to this fierce CEO. Hearing my words, his lips smiled mysteriously. We parted when I reached the admin room door.

"Hey, Clara, don't forget our agreement!" say The CEO is in my ear.

"Yeah, what a fierce CEO!" I pouted then ran away into the admin room.

"Clara, why did it take so long to arrive? Seems like it was behind me?" he asked Mis Caterine was astonished.

"I speake with the fierce CEO about the agenda for the next two days, Mis!"

"Oh-beautiful invisible behind me."

"Then what is the response from the CEO?"

"It's okay, Mis, the CEO is being cold and indifferent!" I explained.

"Hm, that's one of the CEO's ways, to make women curious!" said Mis Caterine. In my heart, I confirmed his words. The fierce CEO spoke mysteriously, making me curious about his attitude.


Two days later ....

"Mah ... today Clara has a shooting program on television!" I said.

"Hm, now you're a celebrity please," said Mama.

"Yeah, that's right," I said.

"The show requires you to be with a partner, yah?" Mom asked.

"Yes, it's called winning a matchmaking contest. What we see is our togetherness every time there is an activity from the event," I explained.

"Does the CEO really like you?" Mom asked doubtfully.

"The issue of liking it or not, that will be discussed later, Mah! The important thing is that we both have to follow the rules of the event to be together during the event."

"If in the end we become lovers, Clara is very grateful, Mah! It means that the CEO can accept what is," I replied.

To be continued ....