
Part 28.

Tring ... tringg ... There is an incoming notification from a purple application. As soon as I wiped the screen of the cellphone, many friends from campus congratulated me, because I got the girlfriend of a handsome CEO.

I smiled to myself reading their comments. Calvin furrowed his brow and asked. "Message from who? Why read it with a smile like that?"

"Eh-oh, sorry! I read a message from a college friend," I explained.

"What did they say?" Calvin asked curiously.

"They follow our social media and say good luck," I replied.

"Amiin," said Calvin.

"Oh-yes, Papa, did you know that his son took part in this matchmaking contest?" I asked carefully.

"Why do my parents know, this is business

young man!" Calvin replied casually.

"However, this greatly affects your reputation in the office!" remember me.

"This is my choice! No one has the right to rule my life!" said Calvin firmly.

"Aren't you ashamed to have contact with me? A new employee, a subordinate in the office you?!"

Calvin stopped the car and then glared at me. "Clara ... don't talk like that again, I don't like it!" This time Calvin looked serious with his words.

"Hmm, I'm sorry!"

Calvin drove his car back, luckily the restaurant was near. Soon the car started to enter the parking lot. This feeling of guilt disappeared as soon as Calvin opened the car door for me. It feels like a big lady being treated like this.

We chose to sit in the corner of the restaurant, overlooking the garden. Calvin ordered a special menu at this restaurant. I just go with what he wants. Tired of all day activities outside the house.

While waiting for the order to arrive, unexpectedly, Calvin took out his cellphone and asked me to take a selfie. He did this for the first time and even more surprising, the photo was set as wallpaper on his cellphone screen.

"Clara... you're beautiful too, aren't you!" he said, looking at the screen.

"Hm, you just realized, huh?!" I mocked.

While busy arguing, suddenly three young women came. They immediately circled around our table.

"Sorry, yes! This is the sister who was on the live television program this morning, right?" asked the beautiful woman in red.

"We are fans of both of you," said another friend.

"We want to invite you to take pictures!" said the little woman.

Calvin and I looked at each other, how quickly is our life surrounded by fans from the contest event?


"I didn't expect us to meet fans at this restaurant. The intention was to relax while taking selfies, instead we took a photo with them," said Calvin after getting into the car.

"Are you sorry?" I asked.

"Hm, not ready yet, surrounded by fans!"

"This is the risk of being a celebgram! Fans never know if we are tired or sad," I explained.

Derrtt... derrtt... My phone vibrates, there's an incoming call on the green app. As soon as I looked at the cellphone screen, Brother Roy was calling.

"Hello, what's up Bro?" I asked surprised.

"Where are you, Clara?"

"It's already on the way home," I replied.

"Mama's illness flared up again, she's been vomiting all the time! Was invited to the doctor, but Mama refused!" he explained in a worried tone.

"Just wait at home, in ten minutes!" I answered.

"What's wrong Clara?" Calvin asked confused.

"Mommy's sick again!" I answered slowly.

"I'll take you to the hospital, okay!?" he asked.

"No need, Calvin! I'll just let Bro Roy drive the car later!" reject me.

"You must be tired! Besides, I'm reluctant to Mr. Surya, if you come home late at night," I remember.

The car was already in front of the house, before I got off, Calvin said.

"You're so understanding, Clara!" he said while holding my hand.

"Thank you, Calvin! See you tomorrow," I said, waving my hand.

"See youu," he replied.

As soon as he opened the fence, Brother Roy was already standing in front of the door, folding his arms across his chest.

"Who's that, Clara, the new lover, huh? That's okay too!"

"What the hell, Bro? That's your office mate!" I said as I walked to Mama's room.

"Mah... why? Here's Clara home!" I held Mama's hand, it was so warm.

"Come on, let's go to the doctor, Mah! So that Doctor Steven can handle it quickly!" take me.

Mama opened her eyes, her face was pale. Looks like his cholesterol rose again. Lately, Mama often has a lot of thoughts, because she thinks about the shop which is getting quiet.

Meanwhile, expenses are increasing, because Bro Roy is married. When looking for work outside the home, Bro Roy often creates problems, things go wrong.

Brother Roy did not accompany Mama to the doctor. The reason is cliché, they don't have money. She was given a salary by Mama, because every day she looked after the shop. Meanwhile, Mama checks things twice a week. All the contents of the store are recorded, so Brother Roy can't lie.

Doctor Steven said, Mama's mind should relax, don't keep looking for money. Occasionally taken for a walk to the mountains or to the beach to breathe fresh air. That's the handsome doctor's advice.

I feel insinuated, all this time only thinking about myself. After all, my time is running out for work and college. Only holidays time to rest at home.

As usual, Dr. Steven gave a piece of paper containing a prescription that had to be purchased at the nearest pharmacy. I first checked the balance in the account through the online application. It turns out that you can still redeem Mama's medicine.

The car was moving at a moderate speed, luckily the pharmacy was still open. I parked the car in front of the pharmacy, then got off for a while. Mama just wait in the car.

The pharmacy keeper already knew me, so I memorized the name of the medicine I bought. After receiving the medicine in a plastic bag, I asked how much it cost.

"Sorry, Clara! Let me pay for the medicine!" the voice behind startled me.

"Mr. Randy...!" I said.

"Sorry, we meet again," he said politely.

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

"I'm going to buy some medicine!" the answer while smiling.

"I'm so reluctant to pay for the medicine!" I protest.

"No problem, just consider it a fortune tonight!" What he said convinced me.

"Hm, then thank you, sir! I say goodbye!" I said still confused.

To be continued ....