Visit Mr. Calvin

Part 30.

The afternoon that later arrived, Miss Caterine and I looked down and headed down to the parking lot. There was waiting for Mr. Rendy, Calvin's assistant.

Our car went hand in hand to the hospital. My heart is getting more and more alert, there must be a big boss, Mr. Surya.

My car is in the middle position. Meanwhile, Mr. Rendy's car was in front and Miss Caterine was in the back. They guarded me.

The road this afternoon was not so congested, only twenty minutes had arrived at the hospital where Calvin was being treated. After parking the car, the three of us headed to the ICU.

From afar, Mr. Surya and his wife were seen sitting in the waiting room. They saw our arrival and immediately stood up. We shook hands with each other.

"Good Afternoon, Sir! How is Mr. Calvin today?" asked Mr. Rendy politely.

"There have been no significant developments," said Mr. Surya while rubbing his face.

"Your name is Clara, yah?!" asked the woman in the hijab, Calvin's mother.

"Yes, Mom, I'm Clara," I replied politely.

"I'm Mentari!" she said curtly.

"Why did you join the matchmaking contest, what a shame!" she scolded. I looked down at Calvin's mother's anger.

"What's not enough salary that you receive, so that you join in that shameful event!"

Why did Mrs. Mentari know that I needed money, so I joined the contest. Not maybe I explain family matters in front of them.

"Where were you when Calvin was being ganged up on?" From earlier, this question I

be afraid.

"I'm at home, Mom!" I said, lowering my head.

"Calvin never had enemies! Then you are the cause of all this!" Mrs. Mentari accused while pointing at my face.

"Mah... never mind, it's at the hospital! Take care of your attitude. Let the police investigate this case!" said Mr. Surya reassuringly.


Mom's Calvin's words still ring in my ears. She pointed at my face the cause of this beating. I'm really scared that this incident happened to my Mom.

His health is not stable, let alone hearing about this problem. Duhh, how about this, I rubbed my face roughly while occasionally looking at Calvin's parents.

Now we are waiting for visiting hours. Only one person can visit the patient. Well, that's allowed, Mom's Calvin was the first to enter.

"Miss ... I am allowed to see Mr. Calvin?"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Mr. Surya first!" replied Miss Caterine while walking towards the big boss who was waiting in front of the ICU.

Not long ago, Mrs. Mentari came out of the ICU room wiping her tears. Mr. Surya hugged his wife warmly. Then turn into the room.

"How Miss, i am allowed to see Calvin?" I asked in a whisper.

"It's fine, as long as it doesn't take long!" he said.

"Thank's God," I said to myself.

"Miss ... Mrs. Mentari won't be angry if I go in to see Calvin?" I asked worried.

"Hm, just look at it for a moment! Don't make Mrs. Mentari angry again!" remember.

As soon as I got out of the ICU, Mr. Surya called me, he waved at me to come in. Mrs. Mentari only glanced at me, then wiped her tears using a tissue.

My hands felt cold when I entered the ICU. Calvin's face was surrounded by infusion hose. His head and hands were still wrapped in bandages. I ventured to touch his hand and said.

"Calvin ... I'm sorry! If you didn't take me home, maybe it wouldn't have happened like this!" I said quietly.

The computer machine that detects the heart rate suddenly beeps. I was surprised and confused, apparently Calvin responded to my words. But he hasn't opened his eyes yet.

The corners of these eyes emit fine grains. My eyes started to warm up, I tried my best to hold back these tears so they don't spill. But in vain, the fine grains just fell down my cheeks.

My hand is still holding Calvin's hand. Calvin's fingers occasionally move. I quickly wiped my tears using a tissue, afraid that Calvin would see him when he realized.

Calvin's heartbeat returned to normal, I looked at his face for the umpteenth time. This face that makes me unable to sleep, imagined by his cold and fierce attitude when he was in the office.

But now Calvin's body lay helpless, due to the actions of irresponsible people. "Calvin quickly realized, yes! Tomorrow I come again to see you!"

I let go of my hand and walked out of the ICU. A moment later, the nurse came in to check on Calvin's condition. It turned out that visiting hours were over, only one hour was given to ICU patients.

"There's a patient's family named Clara?" Suddenly the nurse said my name.

"Yes, I am, Suster!" my reflex answer the nurse's call.


Even though we were ready to go home and wanted to say goodbye to Calvin's parents. Mr. Surya, Mrs. Mentari and I immediately went to the nurse who called earlier.

"Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, only one person can enter, whose name is Clara!"

"Hm," Mrs. Mentari mumbled while look at me intently.

I passed in front of Calvin's parents with a bow. "Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen," I said.

Slowly I opened the door to the ICU room accompanied by the nurse on duty. After I entered, the nurse came out and sat on the guard.

I saw Calvin was coming to his senses. Feeling someone coming, he slowly opened his eyes, because he was happy, I immediately hugged his body which was still wrapped in bandages.

"Ow... sick! Slow down, please!" shrieked Calvin.

"Oh-uh, sorry, Calvin!" I immediately let go.

"Here, hug again!" His request made my face turn red.

"I-I'm sorry, yes! Because of me, you became like this!" I said holding his hand.

"This is a disaster, not your fault, Clara!" he said.

Realizing still in Calvin's arms, I let go of his hand. He laughed showing his neat rows of teeth. It was like a dream to be in a situation like this.

I immediately remembered that Calvin was the boss in the office where I worked. Instantly reappear that shyness. Calvin frowned, as if he knew my heart.

To be continued ....