Bad news

Part 32.

"Are there any friends, relation or employees in the office that you suspect?" asked the police in detail.

Calvin looked at my face then answered confidently. "I never had enemies, sir!" Hm, it's a relief to hear the answer of this handsome CEO of my dreams.

Just one second breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly Mrs. Mentari entered without knocking on the door first. She looked at me intently and said loudly.

"That woman should be examined too, sir!"

his orders. I was surprised by Mrs. Mentari's words.

Police slender body stared intently at me. He approached me and asked. "What's your relationship with Mr. Calvin?"

"I'm his office mate, sir," I replied.

"They're dating!" said Mrs. Mentari

"It happened after Calvin took the woman home!"

Duhh, I'm getting scared if I'm accused of being involved in the beating. It turns out that Calvin knows my restlessness, he takes this hand and holds it.

"My lover doesn't know what happened.

Because at that time, she was taking his mother to the hospital," explained Calvin.

I can't believe Calvin talks like that. Mrs. Mentari who was fierce and chatty, immediately silent do not dare to look my face.

"Well, the investigation of this case, we've ended up here! Tomorrow will be resumed!?"

After the two policemen left, I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Mrs. Mentari approached me and said.

"If you get involved, I'll make it, your family is miserable!" She threatened.

"Mah, don't be angry, to Clara!"

"Just leave it alone, soon their house will be visited by the police!" She snapped.

I just looked down, not daring to look at Mrs. Mentari. She came out, closing the door hard. Calvin wiped his face with both hands, then took a shaky breath at the sight of his mother's anger.


All the way home, Mrs. Mentari's words still ring in my ears. What if the culprit is someone I know? I was automatically involved in the beating case.

My head feels like it's about to explode thinking about all these possibilities. Without realizing it, I almost hit a car.

Ciiittt... I stepped on the car brake as hard as I could. The squeaking sound was deafening. Thankfully my car stopped immediately because it swerved to avoid a collision.

On the other side, the car I almost hit stopped too. I observe from afar, it seems I know the car. The driver of the car opened the window slightly and then closed it again. Isn't that Riki's car which he often uses to campus, I said to myself.

What is he doing here? Did it follow me to the hospital, or was it just a coincidence? I honked as loudly as I could to vent my frustration. Unexpectedly, the car that exactly belongs to Riki immediately stepped on the gas leaving thick black exhaust smoke.

Derrtt... derrtt...

My phone vibrated, I grabbed the flat object in my sling bag. There was one missed call from Mama.

["Assalamu'alaikum, Mah,"] I greeted when I called back.

["Wa'alaikumsalam, where are you Clara?"] Mom asked in a confused voice.

["Clara is on her way, almost there home!"] I replied.

["What's the matter, Ma?"] I asked.

["Brother Roy is in police custody!"] Mom answered.

["Hah... how come?"] I asked surprised.

["Two people came to the shop to collect your brother's debt. Soon they were fighting and fighting until someone was injured. Then the police came and took the three of them to the police station!"]

["Alright, Mama calm down, okay! Clara will be home soon,"[ I said quietly.

Oh my God, what kind of ordeal is this? The Calvin case hasn't been finished yet, but a new problem has come involving Kak Roy. I exhaled roughly. Even though his wife was pregnant, it was really a tough trial that God had given to our family.

My car had arrived in the yard, Mama immediately went out to open the gate. I saw his face was so tired and like she had been crying.


When I got home, Mama told me to sit in the living room. She went to the kitchen to get a glass of iced water. I immediately drink the water in the glass, leaving only a quarter of the glass.

Not long ago, Sis Sarah came out of her room holding her cellphone.

"How Sarah, Roy can be contacted?" Mom asked worriedly.

"Not yet, Mah! His cell phone is not active," she answered.

"Hm, actually what happened to Bro Roy is in police custody?" I asked again.

"It's okay, Clara! Roy's delinquent friends came to the shop to collect debts. They threatened with sharp weapons if they weren't paid in full." Mom paused and then rubbed her rough face.

"They got into an argument that ended in a fight. One of them was injured. The security guard who saw the incident immediately called the police, because no one dared to intervene." explained Sis Sarah.

"Then who gave the news to Mama?"

"Security is the one who called Mama's cell phone!"

"Now what should we do?" I asked, starting to have a hard time thinking.

"Clara... can we go to the office police after Magrib? Sis Sarah asked.

"Hm, you can! Okay, Clara go into the room first, okay?" I said to them.

I threw myself on the bed, then turned on the air conditioner. Calvin's problem hasn't been solved yet, but Bro Roy's problem has come again. Seeing the faces of Mama and Sis Sarah, I felt a reflection of myself.

Why did God give these three women trials. Is it because God knows that we are able to deal with it. If the late Papa was still around, maybe I wouldn't be this frail. Unknowingly, tears rolled down my cheeks.

Ever since Calvin was admitted to the hospital, I've been feeling guilty. Moreover, hearing the threats from Mrs. Mentari, she was afraid that all of her accusations would come true.

Oh-yeah, just remembered that tomorrow there is a schedule to go to campus, to see the graduation schedule for the first batch of this year. I reached for my cell phone in my bag and looked for Miss Catherine's number.

To be continued ....