Adorable baby

Part 37.

We were only allowed to see from outside the window. Sis Sarah has been wearing special clothes for surgery patients. the lamp was installed on his body then the window cloth was closed by the doctor.

We sat and waited in front of the operating room while praying, that the operation goes well, and that the mother and baby are healthy.

"Mah, usually how long does this operation take, huh?" whispered Bro Roy.

"Usually two hours is up!" Mom answered.

"Just pray, that the operation will be over soon!" Mama said.

While waiting, I opened the social media application to see a friend's story. I made a video of the atmosphere in front of the operating room and then sent it to a personal story with the caption, "waiting for the birth of a new nephew."

Derrtt... derrtt...

The phone in my hand vibrated and startled me, Calvin made a call on the phone.

["Hello,'re at the downtown hospital, ya?"]

["Yeah, Calvin, what's wrong?"]

["Who was in surgery, your mother, ya?"]

["No ... Bro Roy's wife who had the operation and gave birth by caesarean section!"] I explained.

["Oh-I see, I guess something happened with

Mother or Bro Roy!"] he said.

["Alhamdulillah, the three of us are fine,"] I said.

["How are you doing?"] I asked.

["I miss you, Clara! Wait for me at the office," he said.

["yeah, Calvin,"] I said closing it phone call.


Almost two hours of waiting, finally the light in front of the operation door went out. This is a sign that the operation has been completed. Soon, a baby's cry was heard from inside the room.

We looked at each other, the operating room door slowly opened. A nurse came out, holding a tiny, crying baby.

"With Mother Sarah's family?" asked the nurse.

"Yes, I am her husband, Sister!" replied Bro Roy.

"Congratulations, sir! Your son has been born safely!" he said.

"Alhamdulillah..." we said in unison.

"How is your wife, Brother?"

"Sarah's mother is still in the doctor's care!" he explained.

"Your son, we will take him to the nursery to be weighed!" said the Nurse.

"Can I hold you for a moment?" Mom asked.

"Please, Mom," said the nurse, handing the tiny baby into Mama's hand.

"Duhh, looks like Papa Roy is handsome," said Mama.

Surprisingly, as soon as Mama carried her, the little baby's cries immediately subsided. And he started looking for milk. I pointed the video camera at the tiny baby's face, then spoke into the camera. "Alhamdulillah, my niece has been born safely."

I sent this video to the green app story. The baby's face is intentionally blurred because no one can see it, except for the closest family. That's what Mom said to me.

A nurse came out of the operating room and asked Bro Roy.

"Sir ... Sarah's mother will be moved to the room treatment, so please choose a room that

suits him!" said the nurse.

"I chose the VIP room, yes, Suster!" I answered.

"Claraa... Brother can only afford an economy class room!" whispered Bro Roy.

"Don't worry, Bro! Let Clara add the money!" I said slowly.

"Okay, please wait at customer service! Sarah's mother will be moving us immediately!"

The little baby was taken back by the nurse and then taken to the nursery, we followed behind him. When they got there, the baby was weighed and then given formula milk. Hm... this baby is so adorable.


I'm relieved, the hospital fees have been resolved. Sis Sarah is just waiting for the recovery period for the next three days. Mama's face looks very happy. I never again saw a happy smile on his lips after the death of the late Papa.

"Mah, it's relieved now, isn't it?" I said jokingly.

"Alhamdulillah, we have added another new member to our family," said Mama.

The plan is that after the hospital, Sis Sarah will return to our house, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, Roy already told Mama, ask please come with the care of the grandchildren!"

"Now you don't have to be sad anymore, just focus on taking care of this little baby!"

"Surely, you've got a new toy," she said

"Mah, let's go home! It's ten o'clock at night!" take me to Mama.

"It's better to rest at home, tomorrow Clara will bring you here again!" I said.

"Wait a minute, okay! Mama said goodbye to Roy first!"

I sat at the side of the treatment room watching Mama out. I open social media wants to see stories in green apps.

Oops, Calvin is online, there's a status in his story that says, "I can't live without you." I immediately sent a love emoji to the story. In fact, the response was replied with a laughing emoji.

["Clara... what are you doing?"] Calvin asked.

["Waiting for Mama,"] I replied.

["Still at the hospital, ya?"]

["Lya, is this going home?"]

["Be careful on the road, okay!"] Calvin said.

["I miss you, Clara."]

["Miss you, too, Calvin."]

My relationship with Calvin still feels stiff because he is the CEO's boss at the office. Especially remembering Mrs. Mentari's scary words.

Tomorrow the CEO's boss is back in the office, surely many employees are asking about where and why the CEO doesn't come to the office?

"Let's go home!" Mom's voice was startling.

"Eh, Mama just surprised me!" I said, grabbing my car keys from my bag.

"What did they say, Mom?"

"They thank you! You've helped our family a lot."

"We should help each other in the family, Mah," I replied.

"That's true, Clara. If your Papa was still alive, he would be happy because the first grandson of the Gunawan family has been born."

The night streets began to look deserted, because it was late at night. I glanced at the watch on my hand, it was already ten o'clock at night. As soon as I saw the side mirror, a black car seemed to be following my car

I looked at Mama, she was getting sleepy, occasionally closing her eyes. Sweat starts to wet the clothes I'm wearing

So I remembered what Calvin said, that the one who harmed him was Riki. He hired paid thugs. Does the car want to harm me too?

To be continued ....