Prologue (2)


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The lesson begins with their teacher and all of them are writing in their books. Next to Tanji sits a girl with wavy blonde hair. Sea blue eyes of the Atlantic and a very pretty face. Tanji can't do anything but look at her. He thinks "Who is she?" She almost senses Tanji looking at her with her supernatural senses and thinks "This human.." She just doesn't do anything malicious about it and continues writing. Tanji is mesmerised by her attractiveness. He feels almost physically brought towards her like a magnet.

Once the lesson finishes, he sees her stand and reveal her curvy body even under the uniform of their school. She then locks eyes with Tanji and looks with slight disgust. However, the disgust within her is much more than even what she shows. She turns her face and glances at the class door to leave. Tanji stands and then feels a bit down. He thinks "She's taller than me!"

Much more time passes and the feelings Tanji feels for this girl brews and brews. He can't stop feeling desire for her. She has ignored him all week but he doesn't acknowledge it. The girl walks across a hall and the guy that bullies Tanji stops her. He purposefully shows his bulging muscles and says lowly "Hey there." Tanji clenches his right fist and looks in anger as the guy who always bullies him tries to steal his girl from him. Tanji thinks "Do I really stand no chance? No! I must!" The girl scoffs and says "Leave me alone." She kicks him right in the balls and he drops to his knees.

She clenches her very own fist then her eyes flicker golden. She swings at his jaw violently and he drops to the floor. She walks away with sass and strong will while the guy is left frail and weak on the ground. He says "She's strong ok!"

Tanji sighs and thinks "Phew." He turns away and goes the other way of the hall to his next lesson.

Tanji, instead of just looking at the girl from a distance, gains the confidence to approach her. He thinks "Come on, Tanji! Let's do this!" He approaches her then she turns and thinks "Finally talking to me huh? Urgh." He says "Hey, I'm Tanji. I've been in your class and I really like you." She replies hesitantly "How do you like me when you don't even know me?" He says confidently "You're just very attractive and are mentally strong not just physically." She looks down on Tanji with disgust and says "You're human." Tanji has a short look of shock before saying "Actually I'm Half human Half Werewolf." She prepares to challenge that statement then says "Where's your claws? Where's your fangs?" Tanji looks down in reaction to that and mutters "My human DNA was dominant so I don't have them." She laughs in contempt then says "Then why are you talking to me?" He shakily replies "I already s-said I like you.." She exclaims "Just be quiet!" She punches him to the ground then turns and walks away hastily.

He spits blood onto the carpet and shakes not just with pain but with sadness. Eventually tears begin to hit the carpet too. The teardrops take his happiness with them. He punches the ground but almost no noise is given out from his punch. His bully approaches him then drops down to his level. He says egotistically "Oh no.. The human didn't get his woman." Tanji says "Neither did you." He laughs periodically before his face returns to an emotionless look "I did it merely because I knew you were looking, Tanji. I've known you've liked her for a long while. I couldn't care less about her I might as well go for her now." As soon as Tanji hears this, he clenches his fists until they shake. He bounces up and throws a punch at him. However, his bully quickly slips past his punch and grabs tightly onto the neck of his shirt. He picks Tanji off of his feet and slams him into the lockers behind him in a simple second. He snarls at Tanji then Tanji gets overwhelmed by adrenaline and fear. He says emotionlessly "You are nothing."

Tanji falls to his feet then goes right back to attacking him. The man dodges but someone else stops him. A slight blur soars through the air of the hall and launches a blazing fireball at Tanji. He gets slammed into the locker by the fireball then he drops to the ground once again. The teen lands in front of him and all Tanji sees in his limited vision is a lizard tail moving beside two humanoid legs.

The werewolf reverts all of his shirting then says "Thank you." Tanji thinks "Marcus Dragunov." He utters "Tanji. I'll be keeping my eye on you. You futile being." He walks away then everyone else helplessly follow him. Tanji slowly gets onto his feet. Closely after the events that just took place, a teacher confronts Tanji. They call out for him. "Tanji! The Blood Injection is today!" (Blood Injections are procedures where a sufficient amount of human blood is taken from a human to sustain the large vampire population). The teacher says such a thing calmly as if it's a normal thing to do. To use people for other's benefit like slaves. No reward is given for the procedure as well. Tanji solemnly follows the teacher to the office. He is stabbed with a large syringe in his arm and blood is sucked right from his arm. So much is sucked that his skin goes pale and it makes him feel more weak. Once it is done, the teacher removes the injection and leaves a plaster on the hole made by the syringe.

Tanji is let to go and the school day swiftly comes to an end. The fiery sun lays next to the horizon, beaming orange light right across the city. The evening is warm but also chilly. Slight winds and slight heat from the fading sun leave an almost perfect temperature across the area. It really is an amazing sight and feel. Tanji arrives back at his apartment weak and lightheaded.

He grasps his head and goes to his kitchen to make a cup of water. He quickly drinks it and some of the pain fades. Most of it is still there though. He thinks "I hate this feeling! Do I really have no power at all in this world?" 5 minutes after drinking his water, he falls sound asleep right on his mattress.