Prologue (4)


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Tanji, at his house, turns on his phone. The stars within the midnight black of the sky shine their minuscule light across the city. The streetlights are on and are bright. Breezes whoosh across the streets of Balssop Town giving an eerie but calm feel to the streets.

He looks at the news and sees a fight between Willulf and two rabid vampires. They have tall and skinny builds. They seem very irritable and uneasy


"Here we have live footage of a confrontation between two rabid vampires and the City Trooper "Willulf." They both seem to be about 6'4 minimum! Let's see if he prevails." Willulf's uniform flows within the gusts of wind and he says "I can give you blood! I can give you what you want!" One scratches their head violently before replying "We don't simply want blood anymore! We want to shed some!" The other rabid vampire snarls and rushes at Willulf. No movement seems to occur from him then he launches off of his feet.

A gush of wind is released from his feet and he blitzes past them both. While he is next to them, he slashes one with a hard wooden sword fortified with vervain. One of the vamps fall to the ground in agony as steam emits from the deep and grave wound. The other turns and rushes right at him. He steps back 10 metres and aims the sword forward. He takes a small step forward and slashes down the rabid vampire's dry and coarse body. He then stabs through the back of their ribs into the heart. He drops to his knees and as the sword is quickly pulled out, he thumps to the floor and dies. Willulf turns and cleans his sword by pulling it through his armpit.

The remaining vampire grasps the wound as it slowly heals. Willulf remarks in his thoughts "His healing is so slow. I can even smell the death from him." He says "Blood. I have it. You don't need to do this!" He turns and shows his large fangs. Willulf reveals a branded blood bag and it is quickly ripped from his hand. The vampire drinks and slurps at the bag violently until it is finished. Steam emits off of his whole body and some muscle mass packs back onto him. He stands and says "T-thank you." He then looks at the body of the dead vamp. Willulf reacts by saying "Did he mean anything to you?" He says "My brother. We both came here for blood but that's never really all he wanted. The need for blood infected his mind and made him much more sinister." Willulf pats his shoulder and says "Don't worry. Do good. For yourself. For your brother." He nods and says "I will." Willulf places his sword within the casing and it clicks in. His eyes momentarily glow golden before he blitzes onto a roof and leaps away.

Tanji remarks in awe "He leaped like 20 metres right in the air! That's crazy!" He just thinks of the people like him in awe and envy of their power that he can never get.

The next day, he is in the same hall with his locker. As he turns to look over his shoulder, Marcus is looking dead at him. As he turns back, a werewolf stops him in his tracks and he bounces off of his rock hard body. He drops to the floor then turns back to Marcus. He says "Huh?" Marcus kicks him in his ribs and says "Don't huh me!" He picks him up strongly by the neck of his shirt and slams him right back down. Tanji grunts in pain and says "What did I do?!" The werewolf says "You live-d." Tanji thinks "What? Lived?" Marcus punches his sternum so hard he passes out from the impact. His body falls limp then he is picked up by the werewolf.

A group of 7 people bring him to a lowly forest near the school. 5 werewolves and 2 of Marcus' specie. Branogs (Basically weredragons except with some serpentine features.) The second is his family partner, Lukas Dragunov. Tanji slowly wakes up then says "What's going on?! Please let me live!" Marcus shoves him to the floor and says "You have no power to be making negotiations. You've been a nuisance to all of us and we want you and your little human blood gone!" Lukas says "Scum!" He kicks him and the group start laughing. Tears start to drip from Tanji's eyes as he starts to see his life could end." He is picked up by a werewolf from behind and he tries to resist. This is to no avail however.

He says "Please! PLEASE!! I WANNA LIVE!! MY BLOOD GOES FOR A LOT OF MONEY!!" Marcus laughs hysterically and says "Why would I settle for a little blood when I can have all of yours from your corpse!" He rips a wooden branch from a tree then it lights on fire. Tanji says "No.. NO! PLEASE!!" He is lifted off of his feet then Marcus blows out the fire. He says "Don't worry, I'm not that bad. I'm worse!" He stabs the branch through Tanji's stomach then he is dropped to the ground. He is beat and beat while also being slashed by sharp claws. He is left almost dead before the 7 man group abort by dashing away from the horror scene. Tanji spits a good mouthful of blood then his vision slowly becomes hazy. It then follows with double vision. He grabs the steaming hot branch and pulls as he screams.

He rips it from his gut and blood quickly begins to seep into the grass below him. He spurts a lot of blood from his mouth then proclaims within his dwindling mind "Please! I can't die now! Give me power give me something! I can't die now not today!" He then drops his eyes down to his left palm. He thinks "I can't move my hand anymore." He raises his eyes back up to the sky and says "PLEASE!! POWER I NEED POWER!!"

Something hears his call.

Tanji calms down and slowly begins to accept his fate but then sees a bright star next to the even brighter sun. He thinks "What's that?" He then sees it's a stream of light falling from the sky. It lands on his body then his bones quickly start to heal. He is slammed into the mud behind but feels no pain from it. He gets healed of his major wounds then thinks "What the hell was that?!" He gets up and pats off his clothes before quietly leaving the premises.

He arrives back home with shaggy and ripped clothing. He shakily opens the door to his apartment then hears some notification sound. He looks for his phone and sees no notification. He starts to think about what he heard and says within his head "I couldn't even pinpoint the sound. It was almost as if it was everywhere." He glances up at his window to see a notification

"Welcome to the Will of the Infinite, Tanji Bjornulfsson."

Episode 5 - New Power