Chapter 12 - Canincendio

The first two names are displayed. The names are followed and monotonously read by the monitor. "Ivan Cole vs. Varvak Pirecrown." Ivan is a slightly diluted werewolf that is around 6'0. He weighs about 80kg and is 10-11% body fat. This means he has a very muscular figure for someone of his age. Varvak is 5'10 and has a sleek build. His hair is pure white and his eyes are a dirty grey colour. He seems weak from underwhelming physique and the werewolf underestimates him because of this.

Ivan chuckles patronisingly. He remarks "Your skinnier than the humans! How dare you try and fight me!" Varvak doesn't say anything malicious back at him but just says "Let's see if you'll be saying that after the fight." They then prepare themselves. Ivan's eyes dimly glow with the werewolf's standard golden colour while his fangs simultaneously protrude from his mouth. He reveals his hands to Varvak as the claws on them grow long and sharp. Shaggy hair grows across his arms and back while sideburns also conquer the sides of his face. He drops his posture like any werewolf does and prepares to fight. The ghoul waves up his arms in a regal manner then his eyes begin to glow a shining white colour. After the shifting of both parties concludes, a message is played on the monitor. "3.. 2.. 1.. GO!!" Ivan leaps off of the ring and soars across the ring. He lands a devastating kick to the chest before attempting to slash him. Much to his surprise, Varvak manages to dodge. He also possesses a good level of speed. However, it is still inferior to Ivan's speed. Ivan approaches his close space and throws a large swing. Varvak blocks the hit and is clearly shaken up by the attack. He is forced to fall back a few steps and throw up a defensive stance. Ivan blurs at him with his supernatural speed and cracks the ring on his initial lift-off. He swings extremely fast for the final kick and lands it. The speedy werewolf causes Varvak to slide across the ring at speeds above that of anything Usain Bolt could do. He manages to plant his skinny feet right at the edge of the ring but Ivan has prepared for this. He is already less than a metre from him, ready to throw him out of the ring. On the contrary, Varvak prepares for this to happen as well.

Ivan smirks and swings his claws right for his open chest. Varvak's eyes blaze white then a blur of weird, translucent fire is launched at Ivan. He gets hit by the blazing flames and is hurled into the air. His body thumps into the ground and he clearly shows a face of discomfort.

He bounces up to his feet and furiously asks "What is that?!" Varvak smirks and replies. "My family calls it 'Canicendio' but you can just call it Ghoul Fire." He raises his palm and it glows a pearly white colour. Fire spawns at the feet of Ivan. He drowns in agony from the hot ghoul fire he can barely before leaping out. He rips his burning shirt off and throws it off of the ring. He clenches his fist and a lot of his arm muscles visibly tense. The veins across his arm bulge and pulsate.

He rushes at Varvak and hurls his raging fist at him. However, Varvak slips past the punch. Silvery, translucent fire envelops his palm before he slams his palm right into his gut. A wave of fire is then released from his palm, causing severe injury to Ivan's major organs. He slides back about 7 metres before falling to his hands and knees like a beggar. She spits a mouthful of blood onto the white, gridded ring. He glances up at Varvak with a clear face of struggle. Varvak's right arm pumps up with some muscle then his arm goes a more blue-grey colour. He rushes at Ivan before leaping high into the air. He dives down with a wave of fire around his arm. He slams the blazing cluster of flames into Ivan and he slams deep into the ring. The ring cracks and Varvak gloriously wins the match. His arm steams off before returning to its normal look. The claws that grew on that arm also slowly retract.

The people watching the fight cheer on for him as he wins the match. Ivan is knocked out and has received some serious injury. His supernatural healing can get him up and running in a day though. Still, the school provide the students with supernatural healing concoctions to heal the kids in as little as a few minutes.

Tanji comments at the fight. "Ghouls really are strong. They're rare but they pack a serious punch. His fire is barely visible and even hotter than normal fire! I'm surprised he didn't use his fire for mobility reasons though."

The second match is revealed on the screen after the two fighters are cleared off of the ring. "This will be the last match ready for close-up spectating. This will be the last match ready for close-up spectating. Caleb Bancroft vs Izbuk Barcsson. Izbuk is a muscly Half-Ghoul Half-Werewolf. A nightmare match-up. Caleb Bancroft is a distant nephew of Lucien and is a great speedster. He has a lean build but certainly is quick. He thinks in his head, analysing the situation. "I'm not going to underestimate him like that dog from before. I'll bring everything I have to the table." He steps onto the ring and confronts Izbuk.

3, 2, 1.. BEGIN!