Chapter 19 - Battle of the Flags

MASS RELEASE ON 27TH JULY!! SHOUTOUT TO _Avatar0FFury_ for the Power Stones!!

Vote so we can rise up in the rankings!! Every vote counts and is appreciated!!

Vote so we can rise up in the rankings!! Every vote counts and is appreciated!!


[SUDDEN QUEST: Third Stage: Pass the Third Stage and the Exam]

[Quest Reward: 500XP, 3 XP Points, 1 New Breathing Method]

Tanji sees he's with Alden in a team. He is definitely pleased with that. He is also with a vampire. Silvan Couillard. He is 5'8 and has white hair as if he's a ghoul. It's likely from specie dilution. He also has great speed.

Silvan says "I'll go in front." Tanji says "I'll go in the middle. I'll have the flag." Alden says "You sure?" Tanji nods and says "Silvan shouldn't have the flag if he's at the front. It can get snatched easily." Alden says "Yeah, at least a line of defence in front of you is ideal. I'll go in the back because of my fire." He walks up and leaps up to the top of the rock. He nods to the two below and Silvan takes a step in front of Tanji. Silvan's eyes glow blood red as black veins protrude from his eyes. He grows sharp and long fangs as well as slightly more muscle mass.

Across the rock, stands another three. A hellhound sits with one knee up in front of their black flag. He smirks as smoke bursts from his mouth. His name is Zac Brakduas. He placed 7th with 4/5 matches won. In front of him is a blonde haired girl. Her eyes quickly switch from an icy blue colour to red. She clenches her fists and gets ready for action. Her name is Melissa Frostborn. She got 12th with 3/5 matches won. In front fo her is an ogre. His name is Gudrod. Brother of Baldur. He is one inch smaller but much bigger. He placed 11th with 4/5 matches won.

Tearle projects his voice and says "3.. 2.. 1.. GO!!" Alden throws the flag down to Tanji and Zac throws the flag down to Melissa. Gudrod bangs his chest and rushes at Tanji. Silvan then rushes past him and clashes with Melissa. Tanji thinks "Another one of these guys?!" He leaps up using Dire Leap and dodges a massive slam to the floor. He lands next to him then uses Qi Rush to interrogate his space. He goes in with a clean punch but Gudrod dodges and kicks him in his side. He rolls away and slowly stands back up.

"Even stronger than Baldur!" He thinks in surprise and slight fear.

Gudrod cocks back his fist and rushes towards Tanji. He throws the punch and Tanji takes it head on with the 3 Lion Shield. He falls back and gets back up. He puts the flag in his mouth and his eyes glow golden. He clenches his fists and tries to merge both his qi and lycan power. He then re-emerges his qi to form his combination form once again. He puts his flag in the back of his shirt and rushes at Gudrod.

(For comparison, Tanji's combination form is around 90% the strength of his plain Qi Rush).

They clash. Tanji seems to be able to hold his own. They go blow for blow but Tanji is taking more damage than Gudrod. Tanji goes in for a swivel kick but misses and is punched across the plain. He spits blood onto the ground but gets up and screams into the air. This scream turns to a low growl. Silvan, while fighting Melissa, grabs her arm and turns back.


Tanji looks back down and snarls at Gudrod. He uses the Qi Rush art once again to give him even more of a power boost. He zooms at him with his improved speed and they clash. Their punches slam into each other, causing a massive uproar of power. The ground beneath them trembles from the sight of such power. Gudrod tries to front kick Tanji but he blurs away. He almost appears behind Gudrod as if he's using teleportation. He then uses Power Fist right in his back.

Gudrod falls forward then Tanji uses Claw Slash on his back. He backflips off of him and lands. His hands are bloody. Blood drips from his mouth and his arms are quite bloody too. He is also panting from the amount of power he has to exert constantly against Gudrod. He gets up and Gudrod says "Gudrod will beat Tanji!! Gudrod will take revenge for Baldur!!" Tanji gasps in realisation. "His brother!"

Tanji's hair and clothes flow in the wind and under the pressure of his qi. He prepares for Gudrod's onslaught. Gudrod bangs his chest and slams the ground. Tanji feels the tremble approach his feet and travel throughout his whole body. His eyes open in shock. "Such power!"

Gudrod runs towards Tanji like a madman. Tanji then pulls his right palm forward. He exhales calmly and says "Time to test out this new art." His right palm engulfs in a white, translucent cloak. He dodges a punch that just trickles past his face. He then lands a powerful punch to his chest before swivel kicking him back. Gudrod falls back and slides across the dry and coarse mud. He leaves a deep and grassless trail. Tanji then controls qi into his arm. He dashes at Gudrod powerfully and leaps last second. This increases his overall speed and he puts all of his force into a punch. The punch lands and visibly shakes up Gudrod. The qi disperses then Gudrod grabs his wrist tightly. He shifts his body back and throws Tanji over his shoulder. He punches him and Tanji spits blood onto his massive arm. He flies back then Gudrod leaps up to slam him into the ground. The flag in his back cracks in two then he is punched deeper into the ground. He uses 3 Lions Shield and takes one of the hits from before. He then switches to Qi Rush to rush out of the dip bit he is grabbed from behind. He is strongly pulled into the air and slammed head first into a rock. His body falls limp. His vision becomes hazy.

He is then punched twice into the deep crevasse within the ground. He spits more blood before he is grabbed and thrown out of it. He lands roughly onto the ground above and can barely get back up. Gudrod grabs his flag and angrily scrapes it into a spear. He holds it up as if its a javelin but then stabs it into Tanji's stomach. Tanji screams in agony and starts to lose grasp of his consciousness. Second by second, his consciousness starts to dwindle.

Strong pain is felt throughout his entire body. He can barely move. Tanji raises his palm to Silvan and says as loud as he possibly can. "Run, Silvan!" Silvan turns and sees Gudrod emotionlessly rip the flag from his gut. Blood seeps into the thick and green grass. The mud below eventually becomes damp and squishy from Tanji's own blood. His eyes become as heavy as bricks before they inevitably close.