Chapter 30 - Bear in the Rain




Lucas says "He was stronger than the King of his time! He just didn't fight or overthrow because he didn't want to. It really did infuriate our family." Tanji says "Why? The whole family?" He says "Yeah, of course! You know how much power we could've had with that position. We were a mediocre family back then. Now we lay as a significant family." Tanji says "Ohh, continue."

Lucas says "Oh yeah, how he got the power. Some werebear fought him and he won then gained the power somehow. We don't really know much more aside from the fact there was some werebear gene dilution as well—,"

The ancestor stands outside of a forest, holding his special spear. There, another guy stands far from the forest in fear. They say "Please clear this forest. We can get much more land and power with this. We killed and cleared a lot of the forest but we had to evacuate because of casualties. We don't know what's in there." He nods and says "Why would I do this if I don't even want to become King?" The man says "The King has made an announcement saying he's willing to step down to let the Rodther Family become the Royal Family." The thunder above crackles and roars then lightning strikes to the side of them. The ancestor says "Fine. However, I will instantly turn over the power to who I see worthy." He nods and says "Thank you." His eyes glow orange under the dark clouds and fizzled out moonlight. The muscly ancestor nods in response as his eyes glow red. The ancestor's very own claws reveal themselves and his fangs do to. He turns to the forest and dives right into it.

As he soars across the packed plains, he sees basically nothing. He thinks "Why did they run? There's nothing here." He lands next to a rock then slowly walks up to a large rock. He taps on it and just examines it. He pulls back his leg and kicks the rock forcefully. The rock shatters on impact and he keeps his leg hovering in the air before putting it down. The rocks thump to the floor and he lays down his leg. He reaches down and slowly picks up a heavy rock. He slowly drops his spear into the cluster of rocks and spins around. He cocks his arm back and hurls the rock as far as he can. The rock travels at speeds higher than any human and it slams into something far across the forest.

The ancestor picks up his spear and hears a loud roar from across the forest. His face lights up and he grabs his spear in caution. He beams into a cluster of trees and uses light steps to keep himself as quiet as possible. There, he sees a 10 ft bear holding a victim by its head. It turns to look in the ancestor's direction and sees nothing. The bear has massive muscles and its fur is covered in streaks of blood and dead, rotted flesh.

He throws the spear right into the open and it stabs right into the right side of the bear. The bear roars in his direction then he runs into the open. He leaps up and dips down to punch the bear. The punch makes a very loud banging noise but causes minimal damage to the bear. The bear just runs in and slams him 10 metres away. He soars across the plain and flies through a thin tree into a rock hill before falling to the side. The bear leaps high into the air, well above any bear's capabilities.

He thinks "That's no normal bear!" He is slammed into the massive hill rock and spits blood onto the ground. He is then slammed deeper into the masses of rocks and starts feeling much more pain. He looks around for a solution in the narrow time he has then he finds something. He grabs a sharp rock and stabs it into the bear's arm. He then slashes across the bear's furry arm. The bear follows by promptly pulling back and growling in fear. The ancestor pulls himself out of the rocks and stumbles out into the open.

He says "I never thought I'd have to use this form on anyone other than the King." He clenches his fist and it engulfs in grey fur. That same arm gains masses of muscle before enveloping in a cloak of fur. The rest of his body then gains much more muscle and he drops to one knee. His eyes blaze red and his head starts to change. Small cracks can be heard and his face visibly starts to change. His mouth and nose morph into a snout. His feet change into wolf-like, hind legs.

His muscles then puff out instantly and his skin cloaks in a coat of fur. His claws also grow to massive levels. He snarls at the bear but is met by a punch. He catches the punch and head butts the bear back. He snarls and waggles his furry tail behind him. He then beams off at the bear and punches it right in its chest. He cracks a rib on impact and stands firm, waiting for further action. The bear grasps the wound in pain and growls in anger. Right as this happens, the bear runs in to attack the ancestor. It throws several swings and tries to hit him with several slams but he steps back and dodges many of the attacks. As he approaches several trees behind him, he is forced to block a slam from the furious bear.

The bear's eyes glow purple as its muscles also enlarge. The thunder above roars as the trees break and tumble. The ancestor slowly reaches the edge and turns to see a massive drop. He turns back and quickly formulates a strategy.

He digs his claws into the flexing flesh of the bear. He pulls back and turns to throw the bear. The bear loses grip and is launched off of the hill. However, the bear never lost grip of the ancestor.