Chapter 32 - Next Spar

Tanji spends the next 2 days going through recovery and rest. Luckily, he is able to heal from all of his injuries overnight, it is just that he has to get back to a normal feeling and strength.

After these 2 days, he gets back to a good speed and is up against a vampire of the dojo. Klaus Bancroff. A diluted family branch of the Bancroft. He has werewolf dilution and therefore, claws.

Klaus says "You good enough for the fight?" Tanji says "I'm a werewolf of course I am." He laughs and says "Yeah, but I heard bones crack." He laughs and says "Trust me. I'm good."

He reads his stats and a green line falls down across his body. His stats then pop up next to him.

Klaus Bancroff

Strength: 38

Speed: 88

Defence: 37

Constitution: 51

Control: 66%

Intelligence: 9

(Average human male has stats of 3 - 6)

Species: Vampire

His eyes widen and he thinks "His speed! That's crazy." Klaus jumps in the ring and the master says "Let's do this! Go!!"

Tanji touches his gloves then in a split second, he is punched across the face. Tanji falls back and holds his cheek in awe. "His speed stat is lower than Bor yet he's so much faster!" Tanji floods with qi and ducks under a swing. He punches Klaus twice in his gut then pulls back up for further offence.

He throws a punch but Klaus dodges and kicks him in his gut. Tanji gets winded and wheezes after falling back a little. Klaus then rushes in and throws in several punches. Tanji's body constantly shakes around then he is hooked out into the centre of the ring. He is then punched 3 more times in his tight block. Klaus leaps up then kicks at his face. Tanji manages to block and slides back with reduced damage.

He opens his guard slightly so he can actually see better and assesses the situation. He thinks "He's fast but his punches don't hurt as much. He hasn't shifted yet though."

He slides in while bopping like Hajime no Ippo and predicts a punch. He dodges and then sidesteps away from the scene. Klaus extends his claws and glows his eyes red. His long, vamp fangs reveal themselves and he rushes back at Tanji.

Tanji blocks the first punch then slips past him. He gives him the two piece to his dome and rattles him just slightly. To follow he knees him back slightly. However, Klaus is only moderately affected. He speeds in and kicks Tanji in his gut. He knocks back and the organs within him rattle back. He falls into the ring wall and ricochets back into the brawl.

He grasps his stomach and coughs out some blood. He thinks "That rattled me. He really isn't that weak." Klaus goes in to slam Tanji but he uses Dire Leap to beam across the ring. He then uses Qi Rush and goes right back into combat.

He punches him and showcases his new strength. He elbows him in the chest then kicks him in that same area. Klaus falls back and holds his chest but then smells the blood Tanji shed. He smirks and inhales greatly. His hair and dreads scruff up and he says "You're stronger than expected." Tanji says "I never thought you elegant vampires would ever step in a ring like this." Klaus says "Yeah, but don't you see these claws?" He snarls then rushes at Tanji.

Tanji ducks under the punch then hits him in the gut with his True Power Fist. This attack rattles Klaus and makes him momentarily drops his guard. He then switches to his lycanthropy and uses Dire Leap. He uses this to land a powerful kick to his chest. Klaus flies into the air and falls back then Tanji lands gracefully. He thinks "Jackpot. When he's rattled he doesn't use his speed but when he's angry, he does." Klaus stands and throws his dreads out of his eyes. He steps up again and says "Let me show you true speed.." He steps back then literally beams off towards Tanji. He is a strong blur to him and he barely gives him any visual information about his location.

He punches him right in his gut and the sound of the punch is almost scary. Tanji holds onto his fist just to stop falling and to get his footing back. Klaus blurs away right in front of Tanji's eyes. He reappears next to Tanji's side and punches him across the face. He speeds right behind Tanji and then kicks him in his left side. Tanji wheezes again from getting hit and grabs his side in his MMA gloves. Instinctively, he weaves past a hook and steps back across the ring. He makes a long range stance and takes time to recuperate.

"This speed is not okay! I can't even see him!" He wipes blood from his mouth then is punched in the chest. His breastbone cracks then he is gripped by the neck. He is then thrown out into the ring. Klaus appears high in the dojo and says "Diving Finish!" He places his legs on the roof then dives down using gravity to his advantage. He lands a massive slam and literally snaps one of his ribs in two. He coughs masses of blood then is slammed into the ring once again.

He struggles up to just his forearms and knees then he turns to look at Klaus. He says "Are you good?" He nods and says "Let's continue!" Klaus nods then just slams him into the ground again. Tanji loses a lot of strength with this but uses Qi Rush to get up to his feet. He turns to see Klaus and thinks "Jesus, how am I still conscious after that."