Chapter 40 - First Match

He arrives at a massive hall with several gridded rings, just like at Farholde. He then sees the same spectator rooms sky high in the hall. The proctors then stand in a line at the front of the hall. A voice is then heard across the hall, announcing the first match between an ogre and vampire. The vampire stands onto the ring and says "You're gonna rough up my clothes." He stretches his feet in his church shoes then clicks off his golden watch. He throws it onto the side then a proctor blurs towards them. He picks up the watch then blurs back to the line of proctors. The vampire just shrugs it off and takes off his black suit top. He reveals his white shirt with a midnight black tie and then his eyes glow blood red. He grows large and sharp fangs then grows some muscle mass. He is about 6'1, 190lbs. Pretty much the average frame for the vampires and werewolves of the city. The ogre smirks and says "Zirek will put you in your place!" He is 6'4, 320lbs. He has massive muscles but also a massive belly. He has a scar down his right eye and the vampire chuckles. He says "You ogres shouldn't even try to fight us speedsters!" He makes his stance and they begin the match.

Tanji thinks "Let's see how strong this guy is." He reads the vampire's stats and they are as follows:

Luke Rochfield

Strength: 45

Speed: 70

Defence: 40

Constitution: 61

Control: 60%

Intelligence: 5

(Average human male has stats of 3 - 6)

Species: Vampire

Tanji thinks "Those are some good stats. Now for the Ogre.."

Zirek Orth

Strength: 101

Speed: 81

Defence: 92

Constitution: 72

Control: 43%

Intelligence: 2

(Average human male has stats of 3 - 6)

Species: Ogre

Tanji's eyes widen and he says "Oh my god!! He's gonna die out there! He's even faster than him! The ogre's likely not gonna use his full speed to his advantage but still! He's 320lbs but his Constitution is significantly higher. This isn't gonna be good for Luke."

Luke rushes towards the ogre and leaps up to him. He spins anti-clockwise and lands a heel kick to his chest. He lands then takes two steps back. Zirek's body jerks back a little as if it was hit by a rat. All Zirek does is laugh and this is quite intimidating to Luke. Zirek cuts out the laughing then stands against Luke, showing no slither of emotion. "Zirek has won this match.." He bends his legs then runs towards Luke.

The hefty steps vibrate the ground below from his high weight and force. Luke raises his hands in fear and gets hit by his punch. His hand is just as big as Luke's head and the force released breaks his arm. Zirek reaches in and grabs that broken arm then he throws him over his shoulder. Luke is hurled into the air with his broken forearm waggling around painfully. Zirek takes loud and long steps then jumps up. He cocks back his leg then kicks him in his chest.

He cracks his breastbone and two other ribs. Luke soars across the gridded ring out into the open and is completely knocked out. Zirek dusts off his hands and easily steps off of the ring.

The voice then speaks "Winner.. Zirek Orth. The next 6 fights will be played simultaneously and the rest of the contestants will be required to go up to the spectator rooms." The escorts point to a room and one says "That way.." The voice then continues, naming the next 5 opponents. Tanji isn't on there so he goes up to the toilets to see how good his lightning control is.

He nests in an empty toilet room and then releases as much qi from his Soul Core as he can. This causes a violent outburst of qi that can be heard from across the whole toilet. He exhales calmly then trickles of lightning can be seen across his body. He controls the qi into his right arm and thinks "If I control it too much it'll burst. I can't even transfer a lot of it into lightning yet.." His arm's veins pulsate from the override of qi in it. He looks in shock at the sight. He aims his qi in a certain direction then a lightning bolt rushes into a toilet door.

It breaks open the toilet door because it attracts to the metal lock and Tanji is astonished. He stands and thinks "Wow. Can't wait to use Brownout either." He takes out his sword and then floods it with lightning qi. The lightning then turns into a brighter red colour. The emblem on the sword glows and he thinks "What?! Why is it red?" The red lightning fades away and he gets rid of his sword. He stands and then sees his phone change. It says "First Match, Tanji. Make your way to Ring 3 to face Ralbi Dragunov." Tanji's eyes widen and he says "A Dragunov!"

He makes his way to the ring and meets the guy. He is 5'9 and 175lbs. He seems like the average human male but he obviously has some tricks up his sleeve. Tanji steps into the ring and the Branog says "It's about time I get a win! You look weak!" Tanji gulps and says "Well, let's see!" The match begins then Ralbi grows rock-hard skin on his hands and some across his arms and body. His pupils slit and he reveals his serpentine tongue. He grows reptilian claws and fangs then he rushes forward.

Tanji uses lightning qi throughout his body and swerves out of the way of a claw slash with ease. He thinks "This speed! I only feel this type speed from my combination form or Qi Rush!" He kicks him in his back and his scales save him from major damage. He does fall forward several metres however. Ralbi turns and keeps his left hand low. He waves his hand up and a wave of fire is released towards Tanji. Tanji doesn't even move and takes the fire with ease. He stands with just bits of dirt across his body. Ralbi reacts with fury and runs towards him.

He leaps up and throws a punch but Tanji just dodges once again. He steps back and leaps across the ring. He thinks "Stats.."

Ralbi Dragunov

Strength: 24 (+10)

Speed: 31 (+15)

Defence: 33 (+15)

Constitution: 30 (+12)

Control: 54%

Intelligence: 4

(Average human male has stats of 3 - 6)

Species: Branog

Tanji gasps and thinks "He's so weak! I can wipe the floor with this guy!" He uses Brownout and feels the rush of lightning. His eyes glow blue momentarily then he rushes towards Ralbi. He rushes towards Ralbi and leaves a trail of bright blue lightning.

He kicks him in his jaw and cracks it. He falls back then Tanji slams him into the ring. The force released knocks out Ralbi in one attack. His body falls limp and then his Brownout fades away. He wins the match then steps off of the ring. He reads his phone and it says "Winner!! Match Rating 9.1/10." Tanji's eyes widen and he thinks "That was just a 9! I finished him off in 2 attacks. Must be because he's a weak opponent anyway. Probably lost his last match if he already had one."

He steps back then makes his way to the spectator room.