Chapter 47 - Martial Arts Experience




The female teacher says "I am Mrs. Klawfield. Sister of City Trooper Melissa Klawfield. Combat Training will include use of what we call 'Blue Bots'. These are robots manufactured by the 'Blue' company. We have several different levels and they all represent different supernaturals. These will help all of you students get used to combat against the various species of the Bludby state. First, we will deal with the most common. The werewolf."

Four wooden doors appear in the wall of the ring then fall. "First week. Group training. You all will work together to take down 100 werewolf blue bots. They will range from Level 1 to Level 5. Level 1 is of least concern while Level 5 is of the most. May the battle commence." The two teachers step back then the group see the several werewolf bots come out. They are all plastered with the Blue business logo and have metallic claws and fangs. They are light grey in colour with several crevasses that glow blue. Tanji thinks "Are they crazy?! We'll be killed!" He looks around and sees several bots. A projection then glows on the ceiling. 'Wave 1'. All the supernatural eyes of the crowd catch on and look up to the ceiling.

He then gets a notification from his system.

[SUDDEN QUEST: Blue-bot. Kill a werewolf Blue-bot within the First Day of Group Training.]

[QUEST REWARDS: 1 New Art, +2 Strength, Speed]

Tanji's eyes quickly drop and the first robot is dropped. Level 1 and of an average human's size. A vampire zooms past Tanji and punches the robot right in the torso. It's torso cracks and shatters then it is kicked across the face. The blue crevasses in its structure dull out to a grey and another projection, saying '1 eliminated' is plastered on the screen.

The black-haired vampire lands and says "What are we all waiting for? Let's get this over with!" His eyes glow red and everyone else prepares for combat by shifting and making stances. Several wolf snarls can be heard across the crowd and several dim golden and red eyes too.

Tanji crackles with lightning and many people are confused with his power. Tanji's eyes flash blue and the next batch of robots are released.

Tanji rushes past a group of people, charging a condensed lightning blast. He releases it and destroys many of the robot's components. The robot drops to the floor but he is slashed across the arm by another. He dodges a second slash then kicks in its knee. He leaps up and kicks it across the head. He backflips away and catches a punch by the Level 2 Blue-bot. He uses a close-up Dire Slam and just shreds the bot with one mere attack.

He turns and sees a werewolf in a power struggle with a Level 3 bot. He rips the arm of the blue-bot off then hurls it to the struggling werewolf. It cracks the robot's head then the werewolf gets the incentive to finish it off. He grabs it's head and merely crushes it with force. He is surprised as the blue-bot's body drops to his feet. He drops the crushed head and merely continues with the battling.

"10 eliminated" plasters across the wall and then Tanji gets another notification. He thinks "Oh not now!"

He leaps up into the stands and thinks "Wow. We can actually go here!"


[+2 Strength]

[+2 Speed]

[1 New Art]

[Qi Art: Overcharge. Lightning Qi is condensed into a small lightning ball then released in a massive outburst of explosive power.]

Tanji smirks and says "Pretty useful." He shouts "EVERYONE! We can go into the stands!!" The group notice then some get onto the stands. Some are relatively unscathed while some are bruised up and panting. Then, hellhounds start dropping in fireballs from above and so do the ghouls. About 5 of them, shower the ground in fireballs. An amount of 20 robots are taken out in one go. It plasters '30 eliminated' on the wall in a projection and the group get to slowly heal and get back up to normal. The teachers get back then drop down to the floor.

Mrs. Klawfield says "Don't think we'll just let you do that. Have fun! Also, the robot level has increased from Level 1 - 3 to Level 2 - 4." They both leave up through some stairs, next to the entrance, to further inspect the group from afar.

The robots then start climbing the walls into the stands. Many of the group members then jump into the ring again and continue combat. Tanji looks around and circles the stands, charging up his art. He circles around the ring multiple times and condenses the ball to about torso width in diameter. He feels the instability from the lightning ball and finds it hard to control but continues. He analyses the art to himself. "This art is one of the first where the user is required some level of power on their own. I still need to work to make this ball."

The male teacher then says "What is that Tanji doing?" The female teacher replies "Lightning control. Very rare. What species does he happen to be?" The male teacher says "A werewolf." The female teacher remarks in shock. "A werewolf! The dilution or mutation for such power is astonishing. I would've assumed a mutated fire user but a werewolf?! Outstanding!"

Tanji then feels it has fully charged then he says "Everyone!! Move!" The group of students all leap out from the ring and Tanji leaps up high. He spins while mid-air then hurls the ball into the ring. It explodes and releases a massive explosion of charring lightning. The robots all get burned and broken and drop to the ground. Tanji lands across the stands and drops to one knee in exhaustion. He thinks "That is tiring."

There is a small sound of silence, followed by clapping and cheering.

"Yes, Tanji!"

"What power!!"

Tanji smiles and mutters to himself "Never thought I'd hear such compliments from supernaturals ever. Oh how things have changed." The group then, now filled with motivation, leap into the ring to face the next batch of werewolf bots.

Tanji falls onto his back, panting, from the overexertion of his qi but after a small time, his stamina drastically increases.