Chapter 57 - Two Swordsmen

Silvan forms the blood into a strong fist with a sharp and long appendage. Tanji collects his lightning into a strong blade too. It's about a metre long and is highly unstable. The lightning is constantly crackling outwards and this makes it hard for Tanji to control it. Tanji aims it forwards and says "800XP, huh? I've been losing too many valuable quest rewards recently. I need to get some new rewards so I can advance my powers!" Silvan makes a Hanging Stance and they begin the brawl. They both rush towards each other and Silvan leaps up.

He dives down and slams with his blade. Tanji blocks with his own blade and slightly bends his knees to handle the force. He pushes Silvan's blade back slightly and then gets some good distance. He switches up his stance quickly and pushes even more. Silvan uses his other arm and still loses ground.

Tanji pulls back spontaneously and throws Silvan off. He hooks him in the side of his ribs then pulls back and kicks him in the same area. Silvan falls back a little but he rushes right back in and swings his blade. Tanji dodges then catches the second one. He kicks him in his stomach and Silvan manages to stay firm. He kicks him again but Silvan pulls back and kicks him away. He runs in for a punch but Tanji blocks and jabs him in his chest. He slashes down with his blade and steps forward to dodge a swing from Silvan. He blocks another punch from Silvan with his electrical blade and he strikes down strongly. Silvan clamps onto his arm and steps away a few metres. Tanji swings around his blade and thinks to himself "His blade isn't weak but I think he is. He's got fast attacks but I can take the hits." He reveals his other palm and says "This is gonna take way more lightning qi than I can handle."

He opens his palm and pulls out as much lightning qi as he can. It just courses across his arm but he can't form it into anything special. The lightning just crackles around violently and doesn't actually condense into anything useful.

His veins pulsate and he uses Brownout. The lightning supply he uses has increased from the art and he forms two, strong lightning blades.

He says "Good." Silvan says "How did you do that?!" Tanji runs forward and stabs forward. He strikes down with his second blade but Silvan just about swerves out of its line of motion. Tanji turns and stabs again but he misses. "His speed!" He thinks to himself in annoyance. He leaps forward with his knee and Silvan blocks such attack with his forearms. Tanji swings down and Silvan dodges again. However, it leaves him open for an elbow to the sternum. Silvan falls back slightly and Tanji rushes right back in for some more.

Tanji simply throws a stab that Silvan is able to dodge with ease. He strikes again and Silvan blocks with his crystal blade. The crystal blade shatters on impact and Tanji snatches away the tip shard of the blade. Lightning qi groups across the shard and he stabs the blade into Silvan's gut. He takes his other electrical blade and stabs it into the upper part of his right chest. Silvan coughs blood and falls to one knee. Silvan creates more blood with the open wound and stabs it into Tanji's chest. Tanji rids himself of his qi and he falls back, hitting the floor hard. He almost passes out but just about keeps himself going. Tanji taps out, signalling he doesn't want to continue the fight.

"So this combination form is still a bit too much for me. I should keep to the use of arts and my weaponry until I get this combination form until sufficient control." Silvan seals all of his visible wounds with his crystallised blood. He falls onto the wall of the gravball and slides down to lay his weight down. Alden rushes over to the interface and rids the system of its weight enhancement. Silvan and Tanji both take large breaths once the system returns to a normal gravity level. Tanji and Silvan get up with absolute ease. However, their bodies are still pretty beaten up. Their wounds begin healing very fast and in mere hours, they'll be back to prime condition.

Alden says "Wow! You guys really went at it!" Tanji looks down and thinks "Lost the quest again! I need to advance my training even further. This progress isn't fast enough."

After this, the group say their goodbyes and return to their respective homes. Tanji sits in a meditative position and begins analysing his current state.

"I'm diving too deep into physical strength and it's making me lose progress. I have little potential when it comes to supernatural ability. I've only been granted the powers of a simple werewolf. Nothing more. When it comes to that power, I had little to no advantage. However, this power seems promising. Especially this lightning qi. I need to prioritise gaining strength as well as gaining control of my qi. It seems like my most valuable asset as of now and my physical attributes seem to be my downfall. My strength is certainly above average but my speed is easily shadowed by the speed of vampires. My strength is even shadowed by ogres. But nothing can shadow this thunderous power." He trickles his lightning around and says "Yes. I will make this lightning qi my top asset. My control is already increasing at an alarming rate. I also seem to forget to analyse my opponent's stats too."