Chapter 59 - Cruising Through

The time reaches one minute left before the beginning. Tanji says "Everyone off the stage except for the vamps. Tanji runs forward and leaps up to grab onto the top of the wall. He pulls easily and gets up to his feet. He turns and the clock reads 55 seconds. The vampires prepare themselves by stretching and doing all other sorts of things to prepare. Tanji watches closely to see if his theory was correct.

The hellhounds and ghouls rush to the front of the spectator area. 10 seconds are left on the clock and the doors slowly start to open. 4 Level 1 Blue-bots are dispersed from the doors. The timer ends and new labels are plastered across the room.

Brandon grabs a Level 1 by the neck and crushes it with a simple squeeze. Another vampire leaps onto another bot's shoulder and pulls as hard as he can. He falls back and off of the bot before moving away. Brandon leaps over that vampire and kicks another bot to the ground. The final bot is destroyed by a punch from Vanessa.

4 more Level 1 bots are revealed but they all get showered in devilish flames before they can even attack anyone. This happens for the rest of the 1s and 2s. Tanji stands and thinks "Hmm. 20 1s and 2s are out. The 3s are coming in the werewolves have to go in." The werewolves stand as this is their time to jump in. Tanji stands and lightning qi crackles all around him.

The werewolves jump into the ring and some greet the present vampires in the ring. Tanji leaps in and lands gracefully. The doors reveal 8 different blue-bots. Level 3 Blue-bots are all seen through the doors. They have athletic figures and are a great leap from the 2s. Tanji looks around hastily. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike. They all begin running to the crowd but are quickly taken on. Tanji rushes past several fighters and attacks a blue-bot. He throws a punch and launches the bot into the wall behind him.

As the bot ricochets from the wall, he lands a kick to its chin. It begins falling, leaving it wide open for attack. Lightning trickles and collects around his fist and he follows by landing a good punch to its torso. The robot's mechanics cave in, rendering it useless.

Tanji turns around quickly and rushes past even more fighters. He leaps over a werewolf and latches onto a bot. He plants his feet and stops it moving. He pulls its arms down and kicks it right in its lower back. The force definitely causes some interruption to the bot's function. He wraps the robot in a headlock then pulls the head off with force alone.

Once he does this, the Level 3 bots are all taken down. 8 more Level 3 Blue-Bots are released and Tanji looks around. "I need to use some good power. This power isn't quick enough." His lightning trickles away and his body buffs up slightly. His eyes begin to glow its standard golden and his qi aura is revealed again. He uses Qi Rush and greatly amplifies the strength of his body. He runs forward and slams into a bot. He claws deep into the body of the blue-bot then severs it's head.

He pulls back and the body drops to his feet. He turns and runs away on all fours. He leaps upwards and does a swift forward flip while mid-air. He dives down and slashes another of the blue-bots. He lands a good two punches before pulling the head right off. He moves onto the next one and simply finishes it off by sending his clawed palm right through its back.

He pulls away his arm and turns away to another. The last Blue-bot is dealt with and another stash of them are revealed. Brandon snarls at a blue-bot and punches it in the face. He dodges two slashes with his uncanny speed and slams it into the floor. He then follows by stomping on the bot. He turns and looks back to another blue-bot. His eyes glow a brighter red and he zooms forward. His punch harshly breaks the robot's face and causes it to cower away. Brandon makes a stance and says "Let's dance!"

The blue-bot roars at him but Brandon's fearlessness doesn't waver. The blue-bot throws a swing but Brandon blocks and punches its jaw. He grabs the flailing wrist of the robot and pulls back to violently to kick it back away. A strong fireball hits the robot and destroys it. Brandon turns and scoffs before running away.

4 3s and 4 4s are dished out at once and once Tanji recognises this, he shouts "OGRES!! WENDIGOS!! WE NEED YOU NOW!!" The ghouls and wendigos step into the ring and the injured or exhausted step out to efficiently recuperate.

The wendigos look around and lock on to their targets. The 3 Ogres are ready to do what's necessary to defeat the werewolf blue-bots.

Ava kicks a blue-bot into the wall then destroys its head completely with a punch. She turns and her eyes glow red. Her muscles definitely show and she runs forward. She slams into a blue-bot then slams it into the floor powerfully. She looks up and meets eyes with Tanji. She winks then zooms onto the next bot. Tanji leaps right over her and knocks away a Level 4 bot.

"Alright. This won't be easy. A Level 4 bot." Tanji says to himself quietly.