Chapter 73 - They can get that big?!



The skeleton runs at Alden and he notices that it has lost considerable speed. He dodges a jab then strikes it in the jaw. He then launches a close-up fireball to its ribs. This knocks it back slightly then they both fall into a power struggle. Alden clearly has the advantage to start off but this skeleton literally grows a third arm from its breastbone. It pushes Alden back several metres and he is thrown into the air.

While he's airborne, he's hit with 3 boney projectiles to the body. He falls onto the ground and the projectiles dig further into his body. He coughs blood and says "OW!! You're dead!!" His bones grow out further and his wendigo instincts start to bubble up. His eyes glow a bright white colour and his fangs get even sharper. His muscles also get slightly larger and he roars at the skeleton. His claws are also much sharper. He rips the projectiles from his body and snarls deeply.

Silvan swivel throws three sharp blood crystals at the skeleton but it only cracks it it one area. This crack is then healed almost instantly. Silvan runs forward with much superior speed and leaps up for a kick. He lands a kick to the spine then flips off and leaps up for a punch to the skull. However, he is grabbed while he is in the air then is slammed into the mud below. He struggles to get out and gets slammed further into the ground.

Once the skeleton tries to punch him again, he blocks with his crystallised fists and the blood crystal cracks on impact. The skeleton grows a sharp bone projectile and stabs down. Silvan tries to get himself out of the ground but can't. This could be the end.

However, Tanji swivel throws his sword and it slices right through the bone. Silvan catches it and slices one of its rib bones in half. This causes the skeleton to fall back slightly and Tanji pulls Silvan from the floor with a simple pull. He looks up and says "Let's get rid of this thing!!"

Silvan enhances his sword with pure blood crystal and Tanji fuels such sword with powerful qi. He roars at the skeleton and runs forward with amazing speed. He sidesteps past a kick then leaps forward and slices his arm right off. He lands before turning and throwing his sword right into its ribcage. This causes some minor damage but this wasn't the main plan. Only a deterrence.

He kicks the skeleton right in his breastbone then uses his True Power Fist. This cracks one of the skeleton's legs then Tanji uses Qi Rush on top of this form. His shirt violently flows around and his aura gets thick and pressurising. He runs forward and pulls the sword from its ribcage. Silvan punches the skeleton in the ribs then Tanji leaps off of his back and strikes down with a powerful slash. He completely cuts off one of its arms and while it starts to try and grow it back, they take this chance and pounce.

Silvan throws a barrage of punches and just cracks a lot of the bones in the skeleton. Tanji says "KŌJIRO SLASH!!" He slashes to the side and completely severs the spine of the skeleton. It's legs are now completely useless and it can barely move now. Silvan leaps onto its back and holds it tightly so it can't move.

Tanji then cuts off the straps of the helmet and pulls it off. He then uses his final punch with Qi Rush to its head and cracks its skull. Silvan then reaches over and shoots out a lot of sharp blood crystals through its eye socket and crack. This almost kills it but it knocks Silvan off with a powerful swat. With its newly grown legs, it slams Tanji away.

As of now, he is exhausted with his new combination form and also qi rush. This just makes him pretty much unable to go against the skeleton any longer. As he is about to get hit again, Alden punches it away. This causes it to just fall to the ground as it's so weak.

The other skeleton that he ran from is also pretty beaten up and weak. They both grab each others bone hands and they both glow. "NO!" Alden shouts before launching a powerful double-hand fireball.

This fireball does pretty much nothing. They begin their fusion and their bodies start to combine. All 3 of them watch in horror as these two skeletons form into a single one.

Alden stares at the massive being and says "They can get that big?!"

"What do we do?!" Alden says in shock. Tanji, being the most beat up of the group, still stands and says "We fight.. and we win!!" Silvan prepares himself and says "Precisely." The skeleton finishes the transformation and it grows to 11 feet tall. It also has four arms and a sharp spine. The three stand next to each other in a line and reveal all of their power. "I'm gonna kill myself with this!" Tanji thinks to himself. He uses his lighter combination form where his lycanthropy is quite basic.

Silvan grows two crystallised arms and Alden keeps his new and improved wendigo powers in check. The new skeleton crackles and stands in front of them, being very intimidating in the process.

Tanji shoots an arrow right in its chest using his Chīsana Bow but nothing happens.

Silvan begins forming a spear and Alden runs forward as fast as he can. He leaps up and punches its ribs only to be grabbed and slammed into the ground. The skeleton shoots a large projectile to keep him stuck in the ground.

Tanji reveals his sword and switches to a lightning-qi based power. He fuels a lot of lightning into the blade and the runes begin to glow across it. The red energy eventually forms into a strong outer blade for the sword. He aims it at the skeleton and Silvan says "I have a few seconds left on the spear!"

Tanji looks down at Alden and formulates a plan. "I need to get him out of there and back here without getting hurt!" He slides back one leg and uses his powerful Brownout. He runs forward with all of his speed and slides right under a projectile. He pulls the sharp bone from Alden and picks him up from the ground. A projectile comes hurling at them but Tanji slices it clean in half and swings his sword around. He slices another right open then pulls Alden back.

Tanji then runs to Silvan and says "Give me the spear!!" Silvan says "Why?" Tanji shouts "Give it to me!" He throws it over and Tanji strengthens it with his fierce lightning qi.

He steps a good step forward and hurls the spear. It is almost a blur for even Tanji himself and he manages to crack a bone. "Wow! When our powers combine we can achieve so much!"

Tanji bites his palm and shows his blood to Silvan. "Crystallise it!" Silvan nods and begins the crystallisation. Alden then has to work on defence for the two. "FIRE VORTEX!!" He lets out a strong beam of fire towards the skeleton that would literally vaporise any human in its path. It swirls towards the skeleton and slams into its left arms. Alden wastes a lot of energy with that attack but keeps at it to protect his friends.


Base - No physical enhancement

Basic Lycan Shifting - Minuscule amount of wolf features and little power. For example, claws fangs and glowing eyes.

Lycan Shifting - Increase in body hair, hair gets shaggier and more unkept, and claws, fangs and glowing eyes still present. Provides more increase in power than Basic Lycan Shifting.

Qi - Qi extracted from Soul Core into body. Enhances physical stats.

Lightning Qi- Qi extracted from Soul Core then formed into lightning qi. Provides further physical enhancement than regular qi.

Combination Form 1 - Basic Lycan Shifting and Qi mixed together. Provides more enhancement than both combined.

Combination Form 2 - Lycan Shifting and Qi mixed together. Provides more enhancement than both combined.

Combination Form 3 - Basic Lycan Shifting and Lightning Qi Mixed together. Provides more enhancement than both combined.

All of these forms have been used throughout the story and I just wanted to clarify what these actually were since they could get confusing.