47. Racetrack

Juma watched the sports car slide on the track concerned. Very soon it will begin to rain and he didn't think she would stop driving any time soon. She had arrived at his race track fifteen minutes ago, requested a racing sports car and for the track to be cleared. Being the queen, Adrian's girlfriend and someone he has come to consider a friend he had agreed. Maybe it was the look in her eyes that had made him agree. They looked haunted by memories or ghosts he did not know. He took out his phone and called Adrian, "You might want to come to the race track. Shirleen arrived here a few minutes ago and requested for a race car. She is racing on the track now. It is getting dark and it looks like it is going to rain. Something is bothering her."

"I am on my way," Adrian said concerned. Thirty minutes later he was parking his car at the parking lot of the track and ran to the entrance followed closely by Musila and Leshinka. The rain was already pouring when he made his way to the balcony where his friend was waiting watching the track concerned. Juma turned to look at him, "The fuel is low I am sure she is about to stop," he observed.

"Today she remembered her mother," Adrian said softly to them. "This is the first time she can really grieve without fear." They watched the car come to a stop in the middle of the track and Shirleen staggered out. She wore black leather pants, black ankle boots, a blood red halter top and a black leather jacket. She did not move, she stood in the rain her eyes closed. She took off the jacket and threw it on the wet ground and then she looked up at the sky and screamed. Four men watched her with pity in their eyes and ten who were watching their queen from the shadows were at first surprised when they realised even their strong queen was still human. She was the first queen they had experienced in a long time who was strong and kind, ruthless but compassionate when need be and she was the first queen who treated them like humans instead of weapons to be disposed of after use. They were all slowly coming to respect her. She had also surprised all of them when she had requested that her guards would be on rotation. Every month ten new assassins would arrive wherever she will be and exchange with the previous ones.

Adrian walked onto the track and pulled her into his arms holding her tightly against his wide chest. "What do you need us to do? We will do anything," Leshinka said joining them their clothes wet from the rain. Shirleen pulled away from Adrian and looked at them a sad smile on her face. "Well I have never gotten drunk before," she said teasingly.

"Well then today is your lucky day. We are throwing a party as of right now with lots of alcohol," Juma said and whistled. Party lights flooded the track and music filled it. He took a photo of the track and started typing something on his phone. Leshinka and Musila followed suit and she turned to look at Adrian a question in her eyes. He smiled and said, "In one hour there will be one hell of a party here." He looked deep into her eyes and asked, "Are you alright darlin'?"

"Yes I am much better now," she said softly. Leshinka handed both of them a glass of amber liquid and she looked at it sceptically.

"To us," Juma said raising his own glass and they all echoed the sentiment before gulping down their drinks. Shirleen was the only one who coughed out loud as the amber liquid burnt its way down her throat and the boys chuckled. "Looks like today's party theme is partying in the rain," he said as a man brought a bottle of whiskey to fill their glasses. Shirleen threw back her head and laughed.