54. How love looks

The double doors into the living room opened and Adrian walked inside holding onto one end of a huge box with Juma holding up the other side. Musila and Leshinka followed them holding another box and they placed them in the living room. Shirleen caught Adrian's eyes and they stared at each other for a few seconds. "You were," Shirleen said to her father her eyes not leaving Adrian's, "her light at the end of a dark tunnel that is. It is a pity you did not want to be and instead you drowned her in darkness. You never loved either of them dad, you only loved yourself. If you had loved Shirley then you would have stood by her and not married another woman for greed and benefit and if you had loved Angela you would have been able to let go of your first love and embraced a future with her. You would not have been able to take revenge on her all these years. You were like a child who used one toy to satisfy his greed and when that toy was broken you were resentful and decided to break the new toy given just to show your displeasure at having one toy taken away." Shirleen pointed at Adrian, "That man is the most dangerous man you can meet. He smiles at the world to hide the darkness inside him and yet when I look at him I see light when no one else does. But when you look into that man's eyes when he looks at me and you will see what love is. Now that my mother has got me back I hope she never forgives you. Here is the where the mausoleum where Shirley and her unborn child rest. The eulogy states 'Here lies Shirley and her beloved daughter Christeen' that was the name my mother would have given me if I had remained hers. Funny the names are quite similar for women who have never met," Shirleen stood without another word and walked to Adrian wrapping her arms around his neck a smile on her lips.

"I see you brought everything," she teased him as he kissed her softly on the lips.

"Your wish is my command," he whispered softly just for her ears only and she laughed. He raised her in his arms and her legs wrapped around his lean waist. "We don't have to announce to the world that you are in charge of me. I will lose all street cred," he teased loudly and Juma burst out laughing and the others joined.

"Well the cat's out of the bag now, don't you think," she replied as he twirled her around.

"No point in keeping it a secret they would have realised sooner or later that I am the one who is yours in this relationship," Adrian said sullenly, and she kissed him on the forehead.

"As I am yours," she said softly looking into his eyes.

"Yes you are," Adrian growled kissing her fiercely. Lawrence watched them and it hit him like a tonne of bricks just like his daughter had told him. He stood up his head bowed in shame and walked back up the stairs to watch over his wife for the first time since he married her.