Guilty Conscience

Before he could think about it carefully, four more corpses fell out of the clouds, all dead in the same way.

Shen Rulin's eyes lit up. He remembered that Zhang Yueheng had sent a total of six assassins. Now that five corpses were lying on the ground, it meant that there was only one assassin left.

However, after waiting for a few minutes, the sixth corpse did not come down, but the powerful pressure was gone.

Shen Rulin began to panic again. Looking at the rolling clouds not far above his head, a hint of hesitation immediately appeared on his cold face.

With the clouds blocking his vision, Shen Rulin did not know what was going on above, but there were two possibilities why the powerful pressure suddenly disappeared.

Firstly, the master had left.

Secondly, that master was hiding his cultivation and searching for the whereabouts of the last assassin.