Lost? The Unpredictable Palace


Lin Ran and Liu Hongshan stood with their backs facing each other as they looked around warily.

"What was that just now?"

Liu Hongshan asked softly. His back was facing the shadow just now, so he did not see it with his own eyes. However, the acute sense of the surrounding movements he had developed over the years made him react instantly.

Lin Ran thought for a moment and shook his head. "It's too fast to see clearly, but it seems to be a wolf."

"That would be troublesome."

Liu Hongshan sighed softly. "Wolves live in groups. If we can see one, it means that there's a group nearby."

Lin Ran chuckled and said, "That might not be the case. Didn't I hear that the wolf pack will chase away the old wolf king? No matter how much the wolf king has contributed to the pack, when it becomes a burden, it will still be abandoned without hesitation."