Breaking Through With Force

In Mount Sword.

Lin Ran sat cross-legged on the ground. A few fire sword energy circled around him, and the dim light seemed like it would be extinguished at any moment.

"Huo Qiyun? Can you hear me?"

Lin Ran called out tentatively, but as expected, there was no response.

Seeing this, Lin Ran sighed. He had been waiting here for fifteen minutes, but Huo Qiyun still didn't show signs of waking up.

As he thought to himself, Lin Ran stood up and summoned Ten Miles Dragon Roar Sword. As the dragon gems on the hilt began to flicker, the stone room he was in began to slowly rotate.

In a moment, a brand new cave entrance appeared in front of Lin Ran. This cave entrance could lead straight to Sword Grave. Since Huo Qiyun saw Liu Hongshan in Sword Grave, the probability of finding him near Sword Grave was higher.

As for the low cave entrance on the stone wall behind him, Lin Ran didn't even look at it.