Upholding Principles

Facing Sun Ge's warning again, Lin Ran's heart suddenly skipped a beat. For some reason, he felt that this matter was not that simple.

According to the men in black, Chen Tianqi and the others were Guyue Dao's accompanying guards. Logically speaking, a master at the seventh level of the Grandmaster Realm did not need guards, but he was representing the emperor after all, so he had to show his status. Now that something had happened to Guyue Dao, they were supposed to go to the scene to investigate.

Secondly, when Sun Ge warned him again, his tone was clearly filled with helplessness and anger.

This was not the emotion he should be feeling at this moment unless someone stopped him from doing what he wanted to do—like finding out the truth.

Thinking of this, Lin Ran looked at Sun Ge and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Someone doesn't want you to investigate?"