This Was Really an Accident

In the warehouse, the three of them leaned against the wall and listened to the movements outside. The police siren went further and further away and finally disappeared.

The three of them relaxed.

"Big Brother, the plan is going smoothly. They didn't realize that we were hiding at all. They're all chasing after the bait."

"Don't be happy too soon. If the security team can't find us, they'll definitely search the whole city. We have to move out quickly. "

"Big Brother, I feel like I'm dreaming. Did you really kidnap her? Don't the people of the star race have the ability to predict the future?"

"We're only in charge of providing labor for this. The confrontation between the people above is not something we can understand. It's probably the ability of the mysticism class. Hurry up and get her down first. The rescue team will be here soon. "

The three of them boarded the hover truck and carried down a blue, transparent crystal egg.

Inside the crystal egg, a young girl hugged her knees and curled up into a ball. She looked at the three kidnappers with a calm gaze, not panicking at all.

"It's all thanks to this thing. It can block the star race's Constellation Perception. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to hide from those bodyguards. "

"Little Star, so cute, hehe ..."

One of the kidnappers stuck his face to the crystal eggshell and stared at the girl inside. The other two looked at each other and could not help but move closer to observe the eggshell.

They wanted to do something to the girl who was shining like a starry sky, but they didn't dare to open the device. They could only look at her and say some obscene words.

"I only wanted to make up for my losses, but I didn't expect to bump into a big fish. Tsk tsk."

A voice suddenly echoed in the empty warehouse.

"Who is it?!" The leader of the kidnappers shouted, and the three of them looked in different directions.

A person walked out of the darkness. He was wearing simple and plain clothes and had a strange paper bag with his face hidden.

The leader of the kidnappers shouted, "Magic barbie red?"


"He's not the contact! Kill him!" The leader of the kidnappers shouted.

The other two kidnappers had already drawn their short knives and rushed forward with a fierce burst of energy, one from the left and one from the right. One of them aimed for the throat and the other aimed for the waist.

Their attacks were swift, and their cooperation was well-coordinated.

They were about to hit the strange person when the two of them fell to the ground.

They wanted to get up, but they felt that their legs were not listening to them. They raised the knives in their hands, but the knives fell to the ground with a clang. To their horror, they discovered that their hands were dissolving.

It was as though their hands were like a heated candle melting.

Their hands softened and melted, and their blood and flesh dripped like liquid, spreading a bright red color on the ground.

Fear instantly filled their heart.

They wanted to shout, but they realized that they couldn't make a sound.

The leader of the kidnappers turned pale.

The limbs of his two underlings melted like candles. He had never seen such a terrifying ability before. He immediately turned around and rushed into the truck.

The three of them were not strong, they were all second-tier warriors.

In the city, it was not rare to have second-tier warriors.

It was because of this that they were able to escape the scanning of the powerhouses and deceive everyone. In order to make up for the difference in combat power, the truck had the final killing weapons.

The crystallization of technological wisdom.

Top-tier mecha -- the angel battle suit.

These were designed for people with low abilities.

Even if a normal person were to wear it, they would be able to fight against a fifth-tier powerhouse.

The leader of the kidnappers crawled into the cockpit. The fears in his heart turned into anger. The three-meter tall mecha suit started up, and the intelligent assistant's voice rang in his ears. The feeling of being omnipotent rose from his heart.

This was the sense of security and power that mechas brought.

He jumped out of the truck and found the strange man standing still. The two eyes behind the paper bag were staring at him, full of pity.

The kidnapper growled.

He took out an ion-bound high-frequency lightsaber, accelerated his charge, and slashed at the strange man.

"Go to h*ll!"

The next moment, the kidnapper found himself kneeling in front of the strange man.

The mecha disintegrated and he fell out. He knelt on the ground and slid to a stop in front of the strange man.

The angel battle suit had shattered all over the ground and was reduced to a pile of components.

The kidnapper's pupils contracted, his body trembled violently, and his teeth clattered in fear.

The strange man knelt down and placed a pair of fair hands on the kidnapper's shoulders.

"You... what did you do?"

"Mechanical creations are very fragile. Without the protection of extraordinary power, as long as the strength of the structure is reduced by a part, it will collapse. You rushed so fast, so of course, the suit will break into pieces. In comparison, living beings are much tougher. To break through the protection of one's own strength and then reduce the strength of the cell adhesion, this consumes a lot of energy."

The kidnapper's pupils contracted violently. He wanted to stand up, but his legs were no longer under his control. Blood spread from his lower body, but he could not feel any pain.

Seeing what had happened to his subordinates, he screamed in despair, "Monster! Kill me! Just kill me!"

"Be good and hang in there. You won't be able to live after doing such a thing. Confess everything honestly and they'll give you a quick death."

Luo Xin comforted the kidnapper.

The leader of the kidnappers had completely collapsed.

Luo Xin sighed and shook his head. He opened his backpack and picked up the parts on the ground.

He only picked the expensive ones to stuff in his backpack.

These were all good materials.

If he sold it to the black market, he could make a lot of money.

Only after he filled up his bag did he stop in a satisfied manner. He carried the heavy backpack, looked around, and his eyes fell on the crystal egg.

The girl in the crystal egg stood up, put her hands on the shell, and stared at him.

This was completely unexpected.

Luo Xin had only been following the hovercraft that had killed his flying donkey. He had simply dismantled some parts of it to sell it on the black market to make up for his losses. He had never expected to run into a hostage.

Luo Xin walked to the crystal egg and observed the girl sealed inside.

He suddenly understood why Xing Ji could become so popular in the entire federation in two years. The girl in the egg clearly showed what it meant to be cute and good-looking.

She was 1.6 meters tall and was 16 years old. She had a standard oval face and her facial features were like a doll that had been modified. She was perfect from any angle. Her ears were pointed like elves, and her skin was smooth and soft. She was wearing a gorgeous dress. Her figure was petite and she seemed soft. She looked very cute and pitiful.

Her pupils and hair were black, and they were shining like the milky way. At first glance, it looked like he was staring at the night sky.

There were also some bright spots scattered around her body.

From a distance, her entire body was shimmering.

These were the characteristics of the star race.

In this era, with the maturity of genetic technology, handsome men and beautiful women were everywhere. Even though Luo Xin was tired of beauty, he was still attracted to the girl in the egg.

Xing Ji lay on the eggshell, staring at him.

This girl was actually not afraid of him.

"I'm a bad guy," Luo Xin threatened, "I just killed all of them just now, and now I'm going to take you away. "

The girl didn't respond.

Luo Xin knocked on the egg.

Was this thing soundproof?

He didn't rush to open the eggshell but first used his watch to contact the informer and ask about the situation.

"Brother Mo, I just saw the news. That Xing Ji or whatever she's called has been kidnapped. Did the higher-ups give us any orders?"

"Yes, it's an urgent mission. I just gave the order that all the small teams of the secret forces in Yuezhi City will be deployed. You don't need to go, your team hasn't even shown up yet. I'm explaining the situation to you, I didn't give any orders to Team 233."

"Uh... what's the background of that child? Is there a need for such a big fuss over a celebrity?"

"Hehe, a royal member of the star race, how about that?"

"Oho! how much is the reward this time? "

"100k star dollars."

"That's all? Isn't this too little? She's a member of the royal family after all."

"Ha, the money is being paid by the secret forces. We were forced to increase the magnitude of the search mission. As long as we find out where she is, it will be fine. The security team, the security bureau, the storm legion, the branch operation team, and the peacekeeping team are all out. This is a big deal, and we don't need to take care of it. We just need to help."

"Oh... I'll show you something good."


Luo Xin turned on the camera on his watch, took a few steps back, and aimed it at the crystal egg.

The person on the other end of the watch was silent for a few seconds, then shouted, "F*ck!"