The Little Demoness

The Elysium Garden covered a large area of tens of thousands of square meters and had several floors.

Luo Xin took a big detour and entered through the staff-only entrance at the back.

He had already memorized the internal map.

There were only electronic guards at the entrance. The two of them used forged identity cards to enter the place easily.

It was in the morning.

There weren't many people here, and the main business hours were at night.

The interior was luxuriously decorated, with dark colors as the main theme. There were many small bus stops along the way with holographic projections of different types of women.

There was a cold and aloof big sister, a sweet loli, a cute beast woman, and even a furry beast man. In short, they were all very wild and hedonistic, and after walking for a short distance, Luo Xin learned a lot.

Allie did not say a word.

Luo Xin didn't stop and headed straight for the private room.

They entered the washroom on the same floor.

The ventilation pipe here was connected to the private room, so Allie's scouting figurine could be sent in.

Luo Xin sat on the toilet and waited.

Allie began to investigate the private room.

The two of them continued to communicate.

After a while, Allie's voice came from the earpiece. She said, "The targets are in the private room. They are sleeping, and there are more than ten unrelated people. The scene is very chaotic, and no weapons or other people could be found..."

Allie paused for a moment as if she had discovered something. She then continued, "There are six heads that are hung on a decorative crystal tree."

"Six people? Team 212's bodies?"

"I don't know."

Luo Xin had no information on Team 212, so their identities could not be confirmed.

However, at this moment, there were six bodies in the private room.

He was almost certain that these 6 were from Team 212.

"Can you find their bodies?"

"I'll look for it."

Allie continued her search.

Luo Xin stood up, left the toilet, and headed for the private room.

After a while.

Allie said, "I can't find any bodies, only a small area has been destroyed. There are traces of battle and blood all over the ground."

"I'll go in and take a look," Luo Xin said.

"It feels very dangerous."

"Don't worry, I'll retreat if the situation doesn't look good."

"I'll cover you."

Allie controlled the doll to follow Luo Xin.

Luo Xin used his work card to open the door.

It was very dark and quiet inside.

He wanted to walk in front, but the doll controlled by Allie stopped him. The doll stepped into the private room first, and Luo Xin followed closely behind.

Although it was called a private room, it was actually an extremely large area with many rooms.

They entered a long corridor.

At the end of the corridor and after a turn, they could see a transparent squarish corridor.

There were multiple functional rooms on both sides of the corridor. With the help of holographic projection technology, each room had a different scene. There was a train, a school, a beach, a jungle, a hospital, and all kinds of women. It could satisfy any of the men's needs.

Luo Xin's attention fell on the middle of the corridor.

It was surrounded by glass, and there was a huge crystal tree in the center.

Six heads were hanging on the piece of art.

Fresh blood flowed down the crystal, dyeing the transparent crystal bright red.

Luo Xin strengthened his senses.

His hearing, sight, and smell were all improved.

There were a total of 19 people in the private room, scattered in different rooms. They were all in a deep sleep, and their breathing rhythm was very stable.

There was no danger.

Luo Xin stepped forward and looked at the head through the glass window.

The expressions of these corpses were twisted, filled with fear and unwillingness. They had died very miserably.

Luo Xin took out his phone and took a picture. He sent it to Ink Bottle and asked him to confirm if it was Team 212.

"How arrogant. They're hanging the heads like trophies."

These words were directed at Allie.

However, he didn't receive a response from the little loli. Instead, a woman's voice came from behind him, and she said in a very disappointed and dissatisfied tone, "What? So it was a dummy."

Luo Xin turned around.

A petite woman was standing not far behind him. She pierced the puppet's chest with one hand and completely broke it apart.

Where did she come from?


Luo Xin looked at her. She seemed to be a staff member.

The woman was about 1.6 meters tall. She had a charming face and a mouth of sharp teeth. Her golden hair was curled up, and her skin was fair and tender. She was petite and thin, but her body was well-proportioned.

She had two long red horns on her head, golden and blood-red pupils, and a red demonic tail on her buttocks that swung back and forth nimbly.

She was wearing very revealing clothes.

She was wearing some kind of white sexy pajamas with a cross printed on them. The hem of her clothes reached the base of her thighs and it was split at the sides. She was also barefooted.

Demon nun.

It was a very special style.

Her appearances were easy on the eyes and were very much his type.

Luo Xin's eyes narrowed.

This woman exuded an extremely dangerous aura. She was at least higher than third-tier and had killed many people before.

The little demoness threw away the broken doll, stood on the spot, and asked with a smile, "How's my masterpiece? Is she pretty?"

Luo Xin glanced at the crystal tree and ignored the little demoness. Instead, he spoke into his earpiece and warned Allie, "The situation has changed. Don't come over."

There was no sound from the earpiece.

Luo Xin frowned.

The little demoness moved her fingers, and her sharp nails were like steel needles. She said, "This is my territory. You won't be able to ask for help from the outside world."

The signal was blocked.

Luo Xin coughed and said, "Beautiful lady, I'm just a passerby."

"Huh?" the little demoness raised her eyebrows in disdain.

Luo Xin smiled and said, "I just want to take the lives of those three people. It has nothing to do with you. How about we mind our own business? "

The operation of the secret forces required precision.

It was best to avoid anything that had nothing to do with the mission.

The little demoness spread out her hands and laughed, "Little rat, you don't understand the situation."

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly disappeared.

Luo Xin dodged to the side.

The two sharp claws crossed and slashed at the position where he was standing.

The little demoness reappeared on the chandelier and remarked in a surprised tone, "Your reaction is quite fast."

Luo Xin didn't say a word as he quickly thought of a plan.

His ability now had a range of five meters.

When facing an opponent of the same energy level, his ability would not be able to take effect instantly. It would be resisted by the opponent and would take some time.

During this time, if the other party left the range of his ability, the accumulated effect would disappear.

The little demoness was a spatial ability user.

Among esper abilities, this was one of the top abilities. It had unparalleled mobility and attack power, making it extremely difficult to escape.

Her performance so far was very strong, and she was very good at using her ability.

It wasn't an accident that Team 212 was wiped out.

Luo Xin only used his 'Shatterer' ability, but he couldn't fight against her at all. He couldn't even get close to her. At this rate, she would toy with him till he died.

If he could, he didn't want to provoke this troublesome woman.

This was not a duel.

Spatial ability users were best at guerrilla warfare.

If spatial ability users could not win, they would run.

If they relied on their mobility to launch sneak attacks, it would be a very troublesome matter.

The city's environment was complicated.

If she ran away, Luo Xin wouldn't be able to track her.

He should give the impression that he's weak and find an opportunity to kill her.

Luo Xin immediately devised a plan and used his Shatterer's ability to deal with the enemy.