The Crisis of the Wave Stone

The four of them arrived outside the encampment.

Lia followed Luo Xin closely, not leaving his side.

They left the dark bottom of the city and came to a place where they could see the sky.

Lia pointed to the sky and said, "That's it, the Supreme Demon. Those monsters were released by it, and it's calling out to the demon's heart in my body."

Luo Xin looked up.

The sun was shining brightly, and there were no clouds in the sky.

He could not see anything.

Allie and Nainai had the same reaction.

Confused, Luo Xin asked, "What exactly is it?"

Lia tilted her head.

The rabbit's ears stood up and drooped down, looking very distressed. She touched the wave stone on her chest and suddenly grabbed the three people's hands. She held them in front of her chest and closed her eyes.

Luo Xin felt a strange fluctuation.

He immediately released his ability to improve himself, Allie, and Nainai's physical fitness and mental defense to prevent this power from damaging their bodies, but it did not prevent this power from taking effect.

The three of them felt something.

They raised their heads and looked up.

The sky above them suddenly changed.

A huge object appeared out of thin air. It was shaped like an eye and occupied the entire sky. A large number of tentacles stretched out from behind the eyes, swaying unknowingly like seaweed in the sea. It made one crazy looking at it.

Nainai's eyes rolled back, and she stiffly fell backward.

Luo Xin quickly hugged the cat girl.

Allie grabbed onto Luo Xin's clothes.

"Is that thing always in the sky?" Luo Xin asked nervously.

"It was in the sky when I woke up," said Lia.

The nature of that behemoth was similar to Lia's. Once it was observed, it could use the observer's knowledge to distort reality and hide.

Lia retracted the influence of the wave stone.

Luo Xin's vision immediately returned.

The huge object above them disappeared as if it had never appeared.

Lia said, "The demons it releases will become its food. It will nourish even more demons. We have to break this cycle. Otherwise, everyone will die."

The rabbit girl was in low spirits as she recalled the past.

The signs of a disaster had already appeared. The monster was like nuclear fission, and with the help of everyone's knowledge, it increased exponentially. If they did not break this chain, Yuezhi City would be flooded by monsters in less than two weeks.

This was the power of the wave stone. It relied on the observer to turn the illusion into reality.

"Is there a way to stop it?" asked Luo Xin.

"Either eliminate everyone's fear or destroy it." Lia pointed at the sky.

The former was obviously impossible.

"Luo Xin..."

Allie tugged at the corner of Luo Xin's shirt.

Luo Xin nodded.

He had to report this matter as soon as possible.

The crisis that Yuezhi City was facing was beyond everyone's imagination.

With Yuezhi City's population, once its influence spread, it would be a disaster.

Luo Xin immediately contacted White Lotus to film Lia and sent a report.

Luo Xin reported, "Mission target found. There might be two wave stones."

"What's the situation?"

"I'm communicating with the target. There's a giant monster in the sky above the city that can sense the wave stone on the target. I guess that's why the target suddenly woke up."

"Where are you now?"

Luo Xin sent the coordinates over.

After a short while, White Lotus sent a set of coordinates and said, "Escort the target to the designated location immediately. I'll bring people to meet you guys."


He hung up the phone.

Luo Xin looked at the coordinates White Lotus had sent him and said, "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Lia asked, tilting her head.

Luo Xin explained, "It's very dangerous for you to run around. I'll send you to the city's management. They'll protect you and have a way to deal with the monster."

He did not know how the officials would treat Lia.

What he needed to do now was to carry out the mission.

Bring the target back for handover.

As for the huge creature in the sky...

There were many powerhouses in Yuezhi City. As long as they could see that thing, they would naturally have a way to deal with it.

Nainai Meow was still unconscious, so Luo Xin threw her into the back of the toy hovercar and Lia followed.

Luo Xin drove the hovercar, and Allie sat beside him.

They went all the way down, back to the bottom of the city, and escaped into the vortex of darkness and neon.

The coordinates given by White Lotus were located at the bottom of the city, in an uninhabited and deserted neighborhood.

The secret forces couldn't be seen publically, so Luo Xin felt it was normal for them to meet in such a place.

The toy hovercar stopped.

The four of them got off the car.

Three hovercars appeared from the surroundings and landed in different directions, surrounding the toy hovercar.

The door opened and more than a dozen people got out. There were men and women who were pugilists and ability users. They were all very strong.

These people surrounded the four of them expressionlessly.

A beautiful woman with snow-white hair and a white dress walked up with a smile. She said in an elegant and calm tone, "I am White Lotus, the commander of this operation."

Luo Xin felt a mental connection.

A picture was sent over. It was an identity verification picture.

He could confirm that the woman in front of him was White Lotus.

Luo Xin was a little surprised.

The White Lotus from yesterday gave people the feeling that she was lively and quick to act. They had initially thought that she was a vigorous and lively girl, but now, this woman was as elegant as a princess.

Her temperament was completely different from what they had expected.

"Mr. Shatterer," White Lotus said, "Your mission is complete. Please hand her over to us."

"I need to follow her, she can't control the power of the wave stone. My abilities can make her visible to the naked eye. Otherwise, nobody would be able to sense her existence," Luo Xin explained.

"Oh? So that's how it is."

White Lotus took a step forward and boldly reached out her hand to gently caress Luo Xin's face. She looked straight into his eyes and smiled, "Then you should come with us as well, Mr. Shatterer."

Luo Xin's face darkened. He suddenly reached out, grabbed the woman's slender neck, and lifted her up.

This sudden change shocked everyone.

"What do you want? " Luo Xin asked coldly.

When they were looking at each other just now, White Lotus had actually released mental control on him.

The attack was so sudden.

If it wasn't for his passive defense ability, he might have been hit.

Mind control was an extremely dangerous ability.

Luo Xin didn't understand why White Lotus would do this, but his intuition told him that something was wrong.

The surrounding pugilists unsheathed their weapons.

The ability users got into an attacking position.

Allie immediately released her figurines to protect Luo Xin's back. Nainai hugged Allie tightly in fear.

Lia was at a loss.

White Lotus's pretty face instantly flushed red as her throat was grabbed. She struggled weakly and said with a ferocious expression, "Hurry up and save me..."

A figure appeared beside Luo Xin.

Luo Xin's eyes swept across the room, and her pupils shrank.

It was actually that little demoness!

She was wearing a sexy dress and had an evil smile on her face. She spun the giant scythe in her hand and aimed it at his neck.

Luo Xin was about to counterattack when someone jumped in front of him.

It was Lia.

The rabbit girl spun around and kicked the side of the giant scythe accurately, kicking the giant blade away.

A seven-colored Qi exploded from the scythe.

The scythe flew out of her hand.

The little demoness teleported away.

Luo Xin pulled White Lotus into his arms, his fingers forming a claw as he grabbed her throat. His eyes fell on the little demoness. The power behind her had actually managed to get their people to burrow their way into the secret forces.