Grass Meat Patty

"What for?" Nainai asked, confused.

Luo Xin replied, "I'm buying some dried fish."

"Yay! No wait, don't you want to do the mission?" Nainai was suspicious.

"Luo Xin?" Allie was confused.

"I've seen her before. She was at the Old Yuan Street," Luo Xin explained.

Nainai Meow and Allie exclaimed "Eh?!"

Nainai Meow said, "The surveillance cameras on Old Yuan Street cover a wide area. If she appeared there, she'll definitely be caught."

"What if the camera can't capture her?" Luo Xin asked.

The federation had yet to figure out the exact nature of the wave stone. This was an emergency, so there was no chance or sample for the federation to study. They were completely at a loss.

Luo Xin fiddled with the device in his hand.

He recalled the encounter a week ago.

It was only then that he remembered some details.

When he first noticed the rabbit girl, she was very blurry. After careful observation, he could clearly see the rabbit girl. Furthermore, the rabbit girl took his food and was very shocked when she was caught.

This proved that she had been invisible.

No one else noticed her.

The reason why Luo Xin was able to see her was most likely due to his ability. In other words, the wave stone's mechanism was probably to exert a cognitive influence on the target to achieve a hidden effect.

After Nainai returned, the rabbit girl disappeared.

This was something Luo Xin couldn't understand.

He set off for Old Yuan Street.

The rabbit girl was from the year 3000.

At that time, the federation had yet to appear, and this planet was still in a primitive tribal state.

It was understandable that the rabbit girl would stay on Old Yuan Street. After all, the buildings there were retro, and she could roughly understand what they were. The reinforced concrete buildings outside were completely incomprehensible to the ancient people.

People would stay in places they were familiar with.

Only then would she feel safe.

He drove to Old Yuan Street.

In the car, Luo Xin was studying the detector.

He found that it was a passive signal receiver that could detect electromagnetic waves and energy waves of specific frequencies. He could use his ability to increase the sensitivity of the detector and thus expand the detection range, but there was a limit to the increase.

After a certain degree of strengthening, a slight disturbance could trigger it, which would make it inaccurate.

He wasn't sure if this thing was useful or not.

They arrived at Old Yuan Street.

It was nighttime, but the place was still very lively with many people coming and going.

Allie and Nainai both looked at Luo Xin, waiting for his next order.

Luo Xin waved the detector in his hand and said, "Let's go. Let's search the outer perimeter first."

The three of them began to move.

Six hours later, the three of them returned to their original positions.

They had gone to all the places they could go. For some places they couldn't go, Allie took the detector with her figurines and went around them.

However, the detector did not respond.

In the end, only the martial arts schools were left.

That was not a place that ordinary people could go.

Luo Xin contacted White Lotus, saying that he wanted to search Old Yuan Street.

In the end, White Lotus said, "There's no need to search that place. After the news came out, Old Yuan Street was the first place to be removed. There are many martial arts experts there and even some old monsters. It's impossible for the wave stone to appear on Old Yuan Street."

Luo Xin hung up.

From the looks of it, the only clue he knew led to a dead end.

Did they really have to do a general search everywhere?

If that were the case, Luo Xin would rather lie flat on the ground and give up.

He was going to slack off for this mission.

Looking at the time, it was 12 in the morning.

At this time, it was impossible for the rabbit girl to go out and wander around. It was better to go back first and come back tomorrow to take a look. What if they bumped into her?

Luo Xin said, "That's all for today. Let's go back."

"I want to eat supper!" said Nainai Meow.

Even though it was early in the morning, the restaurant was not closed.

All kinds of night snack stalls were full.

The three of them bought what they liked.

Nainai bought a big bag of her favorite dried fish.

While the cat girl wasn't paying attention, Luo Xin secretly asked for a devil spicy dried fish from the boss and mixed it into Nainai's paper bag. After that, he pretended as if nothing had happened and handed the bag to Nainai Meow.

Bullying cat girls was something fun to do.

Luo Xin whistled happily.

He suddenly thought of something when he saw the bag of dried fish.

That day, the bunny girl disappeared after Nainai had returned.

Nainai Meow and Allie didn't see the bunny girl.

This was a little suspicious.

The rabbit girl didn't need to run away.

Could it be that... Allie and Nainai approaching had triggered the rabbit girl's invisibility?

The observer effect?

Suddenly, Luo Xin thought about the strange happenings at the base this week.

Could it be...

He turned on his watch and looked up information on the ice field subtribe rabbit race.

After a while.

"Luo Xin, why did you buy this? "

Nainai Meow grabbed the grass meat patty and stuck out her little cat tongue. She had just taken a bite, but the strange taste made her spit it out on the spot.

"The ice field subtribe rabbit race has been exterminated. This is one of the remnants of their cultural heritage, the grass meat patty," Luo Xin explained.

Allie took a small bite and held back from spitting it out. After forcefully swallowing it, she stuck out her tongue and said, "It's so bitter, so bitter."

"There's green grass juice in it. Most people can't accept this taste."

Luo Xin picked up the meat pies and took a bite. The stimulating taste assaulted his taste buds, and he immediately used his ability to weaken his nerve cells and swallowed the food in his mouth.

"Let's go back, it's getting late."

"What about the mission?"

"I'm so annoyed with this kind of search mission."

The three of them drove back to the encampment.

The hovercar entered the garage.

Nainai Meow ran downstairs with her snacks.

Allie followed behind.

After the two girls left, Luo Xin took out the detector and activated it.

The detector didn't respond.

Did he guess wrong?

Luo Xin wasn't sure.

He returned to the first basement floor.

The snacks he had bought were piled on the table.

Luo Xin glanced around and observed his surroundings. There was nothing unusual.

The two girls were taking a shower.

After Luo Xin went to the other side of the room to take a shower, he stood outside his room and waited. Half an hour later, the two girls walked out of the bathroom in their pajamas.

After seeing Luo Xin, Nainai asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Luo Xin pushed open the door to his room and said, "You two, come to my room to sleep tonight."

Allie and Nainai Meow were shocked.

Nainai hugged Allie tightly, her face red. She stammered, "What do you want to do? Big Sister Allie, he's going to do bad things!"

Allie's face was red. Without asking why, she said in a low voice, "Mm..."

Nainai Meow was shocked by Allie's reply.

Luo Xin beckoned for the two girls to come in.

Allie walked forward.

Nainai had no choice but to follow. She didn't dare to sleep alone now.

He entered the room.

The two of them realized that the floor had been laid out.

The two girls were stunned as they looked at Luo Xin.

"What's wrong?" Luo Xin asked.

"Nothing," replied Allie and Nainai.

Their expressions... They seemed a little disappointed...?

He lay down to rest.

After a busy night, the three of them were tired and fell asleep very quickly.

Luo Xin was only in a light sleep.

He maintained his vigilance at all times and paid attention to any movements within the encampment.

After midnight.

Rustling sounds could be heard from the bed.

Allie pushed Nainai away and got up to go to the toilet.

After Allie left, Nainai Meow quickly reacted.

The cat girl was sleepwalking, and her breathing and heartbeat were in a sleeping state. However, she was rolling around. When she rolled to the side of the bed, she seemed to have found Luo Xin on the floor and fell off the bed.

She snuggled into Luo Xin's bed and placed her face on his stomach. She calmed down.

Luo Xin was speechless.

His stomach felt hot.

Cat girls had a higher body temperature than humans and needed more energy to maintain their temperature, so they liked heat sources. It was hot for humans but warm for cat girls.

She was really good at heating things up.

After a while, Allie returned.

She noticed that the bed was empty, and when she looked at Luo Xin's bulging blanket, she immediately understood what was going on. She immediately pulled Luo Xin's blanket aside and crawled in, sleeping soundly in his arms.

Luo Xin was speechless.

It seemed like it was the same before.

He continued to sleep.

The next morning.

While the two girls were still asleep, he slithered out of bed.

The first thing he did was he ran to the first basement floor and checked the paper bag on the table.

The grass meat patties were gone.