Secret Weapon

The effect of brick-splitting for the whole day was not bad.

At around noon when the sun was high in the sky, the winter bear cub, who liked icy environments, was obviously getting uncomfortable.

By this time, its Hard Ice was enough to cover its entire paw.

Of course, the ice could only cover one.

If the ice was covering the right palm, it would not be able to cover the left palm and vice versa.

Ji An looked at the winter bear cub's stats as it sipped its sweetgrass milk in satisfaction.

Even though they ended the training half an hour earlier than yesterday since today was a sunny day, the effect of the training was not any worse than yesterday.

After a morning's training, the winter bear cub's mastery of Hard Ice had increased by a total of 7 points, reaching a mastery value of 15.

The improvement was even two more points than yesterday.

This undoubtedly made Ji An even more confident in the brick-splitting training method he had developed for the winter bear cub.

Moreover, it was a pleasant surprise to have its energy level increase by 0.1 to 21.4.

"Rest early after you're done drinking. You need to recover your strength," When the winter bear cub finished the last drop of milk, it didn't wait to return to the soul domain and sleep.

Soon, light snores were heard, indicating that the winter bear cub had fallen asleep.

It fell asleep at lightning speed.

Ji An sometimes envied the quality of the winter bear cub's sleep.

After sending the winter bear cub off, Ji An started to write down the bear's training records again.

Even though today's training was not bad, it also exposed a lot of problems.

The main problem was that the bear cub was still young and did not have a strong tolerance for pain. Its willpower was still slightly weak, which led to the bear cub not having enough inner motivation.

Ji An thought about it and decided that the cub's flaws could be attributed to the fact that it did not have the heart of an expert. Or rather, it did not have the heart to become stronger!

The winter bear cub was indeed gifted, but without the heart of becoming stronger, it would undoubtedly make the progress slower since it was only relying on its talent to become stronger.

Moreover, even if it became stronger, it would still be difficult for the bear cub to contend with an opponent of the same level with this mentality.

The strong all had strong willpower.

A weak powerhouse with empty strength would have no chance of winning against an opponent with a strong will, even if their strength was equal.

For the bear cub with extraordinary talent, it needed better guidance in terms of willpower.

Otherwise, it would be an impressive-looking but useless beast.

Fortunately, the winter bear cub was still a cub.

Moreover, for the half of the year since it was born, it had spent most of its time sleeping.

It did not have much contact with the outside world, and its personality had not been shaped, so its malleability was very strong.

Ji An combined his knowledge from his previous life with his knowledge of beast taming and began to formulate a training plan to give the winter bear cub the "heart of the strong".

However, most of his plans were either deleted or modified.

He completely forgot that he hadn't had lunch yet and sat in front of the desk, working until evening.

He was either meditating or flipping through books for inspiration.

In the end, after writing and editing more than twenty pages, only two or three pages of the summary were left.

Ji An nodded in satisfaction as he read through the final plan.

"Winter bear cub, tomorrow will be the starting point of your path to becoming a strong familiar!" Ji An closed his notebook and suddenly felt a strong sense of hunger.

"Growl..." His stomach began to protest when it was finally remembered.

"I'm starving, should I go to a restaurant?" Ji An was a little hesitant.

"I'm poor!" He rummaged through his thin wallet.

"Forget it, I'll just make a meal myself," Ji An dragged his famished body to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of noodles.

However, as a reward, Ji An had especially added an egg for himself.

To save oil, he could only boil it though.

Ji An looked at the plain noodles in front of him, but his heart was filled with ambitions, "When my strength rises, would I still have to worry about not being able to earn money? When the time comes, who would still eat boiled eggs? We must eat fried eggs!"

Even though his words seemed disdainful of the boiled egg before him, his body was very honest. The egg that was floating at the mouth of the bowl was quickly swallowed into Ji An's stomach.

Soon, the last mouthful of soup was in Ji An's mouth as well.

"We'll train for a full seven days first. When the rental of the books is up, I'll go to the beastmaster association to return them and see if there's any way to earn money," It wasn't that Ji An was disdainful of his poor food.

Instead, it was the problem of the winter bear's food that needed to be solved.

With the bear cub's appetite of having a jar of milk a day, twenty jars of sweetgrass milk would not last long.

In addition, the bear cub's appetite would also increase as its strength increased.

With the savings he had, even if he didn't eat or drink, he could only support the winter bear cub for another ten days at most.

If he could not solve the most basic financial crisis, he would feel that his heart was hanging by the thread.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was still early, Ji An counted the money in his wallet and left.

Only when the sky was completely dark did he hurry back with a box of things.

It took Ji An more than two hours to carefully pick out the box of items.

They were the secret weapon he planned to use to train the winter bear cub's the next day, making it have a strong heart!


The next morning.

Ji An's house was an old house with three bedrooms and one living room.

Of course, it was only also relatively old.

After all, Encircle Town had only been built for a short seven years.

Ji An's house was built five or six years ago.

However, the new era was not as peaceful as the old era. The outer walls of the houses that were only five or six years old were already war scar-ridden.

On the wall were charred marks when defending against attacking flying beasts and traces of repair after fierce beasts had torn them apart.

These were all traces formed over the years, but most of them had appeared in earlier years.

In recent years, the chances of fierce beasts invading Encircle Town had largely decreased.

The unique feature of Ji An's house was the large balcony in the living room.

Ji An made use of it to grow a lot of vegetables.

Even though it was autumn, some fruits and vegetables grew in this kind of weather.

Ji An pulled open the curtains first, and the morning sun shone in, making the living room a little brighter.

The power supply in Encircle Town wasn't enough, so the electricity bill wasn't cheap. Ji An usually didn't use electric lights if he could.

Opposite the sofa in the living room, against the wall, was a square thing that was covered by a dust-proof cloth.

Ji An removed the dust cover to reveal an antique television.

His eyes were filled with sorrow as he looked at the large antique TV before him.

When he had just moved to the town with his parents, he had only been eleven years old.

At that time, his parents were both employees of Encircle Town's construction company. They would go out early in the morning and return late.

To relieve his boredom, they had specially bought this product of the old era, the TV.

This TV had accompanied him through several happy springs, summers, autumns, and winters.

Until his parents passed away and he went to the orphanage.

From then on, he had never turned it on again.

This was because the memories of the happy times sealed in the TV always made him sad about the changes that had happened.