Chapter 16 Zheng Minghui_1

"Really? Lanlan is so adorable, everyone loves you!" With a flickering look in her eyes, the woman carried two cans of depleted butane gas into the house.

She looked outside the door, her mind wandering.

"With this impressive man, I should be able to survive longer." The woman let Lanlan sit on the couch and draw, while she took her phone and walked into her own room.

Her phone was down to just three percent battery, only preserved by being switched off most of the time. Now, she was about to make her final call to her husband.

In the past, she always hoped that her husband would pick up and reassure her that he was safe. But now, she felt otherwise. She hoped her husband was in danger, even turned into a zombie!

Her daughter had mentioned the so-called "uncle" who had managed to kill many zombies alone. As she dialed the number saved as 'husband' on her phone, her heart wavered with fear and anticipation, afraid of someone picking up on the other end.

Beep, beep, beep….