Chapter 76: Things I'm Not Qualified to Do_1

Heading in, Tang Ye felt a tingling fear. He was unsure whether his body's defenses could withstand bullets, and having inspected the horde the day before, he knew that Level 1 zombies were few and far between, let alone Level 2 zombies.

Only he and Ah Fu were Level 2 zombies, and their only advantage lay in their shuddering numbers.

To quickly reach safety, Tang Ye didn't slow down to weave with other zombies along the streets. He chose instead to continue climbing to the highest points of buildings and leaping across.

As Tang Ye moved, the booming sounds of gunfire echoed in from the distance, even before he caught sight of the safety zone!

"They've started fighting already!"

Glancing towards the location of the safety zone, Tang Ye hastened his pace, jumping down towards the ground on the street directly opposite the entrance.