Chapter 103: Troublemaking Survivor_1

I'm so thankful for the amazing support from readers. It has made it a challenge for me to keep the plot moving. This is the moment when my inspirations are at their peak. The character's mindset transition was too abrupt in the earlier parts of the novel, and there were also many gaps in the early plot. I always had to strain my mind to come up with ideas whenever I got to a critical point.

After spending so much time, I've finally got to this point in the story. The plot won't be filled with bugs like it was before, and my writing has also greatly improved. Of course, the credit for these improvements goes to all the readers' encouragement that kept me going. It's a very lonely thing to sit alone in a rented house and write, but thankfully I had all of you! Whether it's encouragement or constructive criticism, your comments and recommendations let me know you're reading my book. This fulfills me. Thank you!