Chapter 123- Called by name in this life_1

Chen Chaoyang instantly dropped the food they were holding and quickly ran over to Tang Ye, standing attentively in front of him, giving Ah Fu no chance to throw anything at them.

Tang Ye glanced at the two with a ferocious expression then said: "You two, go into the base first. I'll sneak in later tonight."

"We're going in? Boss, okay, right now, right? We'll go now!" Chen Chaoyang cheered immediately upon hearing this.

Ever since he started following Tang Ye, he had felt uncomfortable and deprived of freedom. At home, even his parents didn't dare to control him, but here he was treated as less than a human by Tang Ye. Despite this, he couldn't retaliate. Now that he could momentarily get away from Tang Ye, he was immediately filled with joy!

With that said, Chen Chaoyang and Li Xiaoyan began gathering their things in preparation to enter Yindan Base. But Tang Ye spoke up again.

"Wait, take my... daughter in with you."