Chapter 131: Unaware of the Seriousness of the Situation_1

Watching the drunkard die right here, Yan Jie stood there dazed, feeling a void in his heart. He didn't know where to go next. His enemy was dead, but he couldn't feel happy. That's how people are. When they have a goal, they will chase it frantically. But once the goal is achieved, they fall into a short-lived emptiness.

Once a person's goal is set, it brings a glimmer of hope to their life's path, stirring up their innermost aspirations. But when the goal is met, a momentary emptiness ensues.

Seeing Tang Ye leaving, Li Xiaoyan's eyes flashed, and he quickly followed. Chen Chaoyang just glanced at Yan Jie and followed Tang Ye as well.

Yan Jie looked at Tang Ye's towering figure and paused. The confusion in his eyes seemed to be driven away, and as if possessed, he also ran after him. He didn't know why he wanted to keep pace with Tang Ye, but it seemed like a voice inside him was guiding him.

It felt as if following this "person" was the right thing to do!