Chapter 137: Demon Scorpion_1

"A count of two-thousand... seven! What the-!"

"Th...three! A Level 3! A Level 3 speedy zombie!"

"Get a grip, sound the alarm, raise the sodding alarm!"

Woosh...rumble rumble...

At the Japan Ciwuben Base, soldiers clad in black rain-soaked garments rush about frantically amidst the eight to nine-meter tall anti-zombie wall. The piercing sound of the alarm bell rings mercilessly in everyone's ears!

"Damn it! Stop pushing me!"

"Stop shoving... Ah!"


The base's survivors scramble towards the underground refuge. Trampling incidents keep happening. In no time, several bodies pile up at the stairwell, but this doesn't deter the survivors' desperate bid to escape!

Even the newly added New Human soldiers from the mountain base group begin to flee the scene in panic.

Under the ruined buildings outside the base, an innumerable horde of zombies gathers like a tidal wave. The sight of the zombie heads feels like a crushing weight on everyone's hearts.