Chapter 145 The Plan That Was Messed Up in The Heart_1

It was partly Chen Chaoyang's fault. Other than the designated free time every day, he had tried to appeal to Tang Ye about not wanting to suffer anymore. But Tang Ye paid no attention to his pleas and retorted with hints of the manipulations he pulled against Tang Ye himself!

Tang Ye went further with threats which made Chen Chaoyang feel utterly helpless!

"Has there been any word from your boss? I've been waiting quite long for a response."

Yan Zhaofeng sipped his tea and said with a smile. Realizing Yan's intentions, Chen Chaoyang rolled his eyes at him and rubbed his sore arm.

The strength of Yindan Base was on par with Qinshan Base, both lacked Level 2 New Humans. It was indeed a rare chance to have a Level 2 New Human bursting out from this base, if Yan Zhaofeng did not try to win him over, he would not be worthy of being the leader of Yindan Base!