Chapter 154_1

In the darkness, Tang Ye's eyes glowed as they saw the trembling fear in the hearts of the two men. They wanted to resist, but they could not struggle free from Tang Ye's iron-like grip around their necks!

"Are you done talking?"

"What are you doing? Let us go. We're from Group Seven. If you harm us, you won't be let off easily!"

"Don't think that because you're a Level 2 New Human, you're invincible. Bullets can still kill you!"

"Let me go!"

"Hehehe... quite bold, aren't you? I was going to wait a bit longer, but now, I just can't hold back anymore! Hahahaha, I'm going to torture you, I want to see your expressions, hehehe... Euhahahaha!"

Tang Ye burst into laughter, his voice full of excitement and extreme madness. This was characteristic of zombies, characteristic of zombies' ultimate bloodthirsty nature! The sound made their skin crawl!