Chapter 167 Hide and Seek Game_1

After killing the obnoxious, show-off sergeant, Wen Yixian beckoned to a soldier from the Guanglan Base who was nearby.

"Find out all the people under Tang Ye, including Tang Ye himself, then photocopy their photos and post them as wanted in every corner of the base. Give me the last copy. I want to look at their profiles."

"Yes, sir!"

The soldier responded loudly and then ran off. After a while, he came back holding several files and handed them to Wen Yixian.

"Report! All the others have been found, but there's no information or photos of Tang Ye!"

"Alright, you can go now. Inform the soldiers below to patrol and make sure to find that zombie!"

"Yes, sir!"

The shrill alarm woke up countless survivors who were in slumber, making numerous uninitiated new humans feel uneasy.

Some survivors panicked as they had arrived early and knew what the alarm signal meant.

But others looked utterly clueless, not knowing what was going on.