Chapter 176: There's No Need for This Base to Exist Anymore_1

This feeling, as fleeting as a flash in the pan, came quickly and left as quick. Tang Ye settled back down, leaving Nannan alone, and told Li Xiaoyan, "You keep comforting her, I've got things to handle."

Despite not knowing what Tang Ye was up to, listening with a keen ear, Li Xiaoyan merely nodded in agreement.

The Yindan Base anti-zombie wall was patrolled continuously by soldiers, their faces stern. Today was no ordinary day; a zombie had appeared within the base, they dare not slack off in the slightest!

The atmosphere at Yindan Base was peculiar today, yet words failed to describe it. Like two days ago, survivors within the anti-zombie wall crowded the streets, patiently waiting for the arrival of the relief porridge.

Suddenly, a few frantic figures appeared in the street beyond the anti-zombie wall, running non-stop towards the gate.