Chapter 183: Ah Fu's "Escape"_1

The zombies, one after another, lifted their own kind, moving in a zigzag pattern as if they had gained some form of intelligence, while evading the bullets flying toward them.

All this was under the control of Tang Ye. However, as he couldn't see the actual situation, the zombies moved in a mess, colliding into each other, tripping over their own in the process.

"Check the data on that zombie!" Wen Yixian directed, pointing at Ah Fu.

"Yes, sir!"

The soldier responded and aimed the tester at Ah Fu. After reviewing the data displayed on the screen, his heart trembled intensely.

"Report... Report... The data shows 3964, it's a Level 3 zombie!"

"Understood, prioritize attacking it!"

Bang, bang, bang!

While Ah Fu was trying to relay information back to Tang Ye, three shells unexpectedly blasted onto Ah Fu, igniting a huge fire which instantly stirred up thick smoke.
