Chapter 195: Ten Thousand Corpses Kneel in Worship_1

The helicopter pilot, not quite understanding the situation, was quickly flying straight above Tang Ye. Ai Li had sent him a message to retreat, but by the time he saw it, it was too late.

The bone spurs on Ah Fu's back began to tremble violently, each bulky spur shaking loose. The moment the helicopter flew just over his head, all the thick and thin bone spurs fled skywards, piercing the helicopter like a thousand wounds.


The deafening sound of an explosion echoed as the helicopter in the sky became a spectacular spark. Tang Ye gave a sly smile to the once arrogant girl above, using his unique hoarse voice, he taunted, "Is it desperate yet?"

Without looking at her expression, Tang Ye moved to Ah Fu's side, giving his thick forelimb a pat, then with a forceful leap, flew upwards, landing steadily on its back.

"You three, get up. It's time to go."