Chapter 203: I Can't Do It_1

Tang Ye roared in rage, heard by everyone. They were attacking the zombies in a frenzy just like the zombies attacked them, their shouts of "Kill all the zombies!" never ceasing.

The more Tang Ye heard this, the more unbearable it became, until he finally collapsed on the ground, writhing violently. No one knew of the inner struggle he was experiencing, his heart crying out that he wasn't a zombie, but the irony was palpable.

He was indeed a zombie, and the people's cries sounded like brutal hammer blows to his heart, one after another.

Their shrieks made him feel utterly forsaken by his own kind. He didn't want this; all of this was happening because he was a zombie!

Swallowed by a lonely feeling in an instant, his mind a blank canvas. There lay Tang Ye, rolling on the floor, his consciousness hazed, faintly hearing someone speak.