Chapter 227 The Sky Turns Dark _1

The survivors stood stunned. Hearing this, Li Qingtian, standing behind, twitched and stepped back. It was obvious that this oddball wasn't going to let this group of people off.

The faces of the two survivors holding up guns changed instantly, they hadn't anticipated that Tang Ye's next words would be so preposterous.

Within a very short time span, their brains churned. They realized that they couldn't let this whole incident pass without any action. Thus, they decided to strike first, firing two bright crimson flames towards Tang Ye.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

The bullets tore through the air. In Tang Ye's eyes, the three bullets streaked brilliant arcs in the air.

After the casings dropped to the ground, the two men looked at each other, their faces pale in fear. Tang Ye had vanished, leaving only expressionless Li Qingtian standing, unaffected by their gunshots.