Chapter 242 Superiority Complex_1

This night, the stars were densely scattered across the sky, adorning the beautiful night curtain with mystical hues that enthralled the beholders, making them wish they could transform into heavenly beings, soaring into the magical cosmos to uncover its mysteries.

Such a spectacular scene was hard to come by before the Apocalypse. Back then, rapid advancements in human technology and the resultant pollution were incessantly tarnishing the environment. Now, without those human factories, the sky had reclaimed its original beauty.

Perhaps humans were the ones that should never have appeared on this planet in the first place.

They always spoke of protecting Earth, but they were ruining it every passing moment!

The so-called protection of the Environment was nothing more than safeguarding themselves. Even if the Earth's environment was completely destroyed, the Earth would still be the Earth. But what about humans? Would they still survive?