Chapter 332: Arrival of Winter_1

"Is the Level 3 zombie that powerful? Look, before, someone tried to blast it with a rocket launcher, and it didn't even get a scratch!"

"No way!"

"I don't know, I don't know. If it's a Level 4 zombie then we are in big trouble... The boss is too..."


People were busy discussing, with undisguised amazement in their eyes. And no one felt sorrow for the death of the few people killed by Ah Fu…

Ah Fu took large steps and soon arrived in front of Tang Ye under everyone's gazes. He obediently stood behind Tang Ye, showing complete obedience. This caused the survivors to become even more astounded, their discussions never stopping for a moment.

"Daddy, Ah Fu... Ah Fu's here, I want Ah Fu!"

Seeing Ah Fu, Nannan was overjoyed and called out to Tang Ye. Everyone heard this and just froze.

What? Ah Fu? What kind of weird name is that?

At this moment, everyone thought the same thing, but no one spoke it out loud.